2017-08-10 271阅读
【原题】11月JJ 19
The following appeared in a letter from apart-owner of a small retail clothing chain to her business partner:
“Commercial real estate prices have been rising steadily in the Sandida Heights neighborhood for several years, while the prices in the adjacent neighborhood of Palm Grove have remained the same. It seems obvious, then, that a retail space in Sandida Heights must now be much more expensive than a similar space in Palm Grove, which was not the case several years ago. So, it appears that retail spaces in Sandida Heights are now overpriced relative to those in Palm Grove. Therore, it would be in our financial interest to purchase a retail space in Palm Grove rather than in Sandida Heights
4.S的价格高了,就一定没有financial benifits了吗? 因为S的价格在上涨中,这个反倒说明购买S地的能带来利益。为了更好地评价financial interest, 我们应该知道S地门店价格的趋势,两地的商业利益的比较.
以上就是关于Grove VS Sandida的房地产价格的GMAT作文机经的相关介绍,考生朋友可以有选择的选用,最后祝大家都能考出好成绩。
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