
2017-08-10 作者: 294阅读


  有一道题是什么XXbooks, Xbooks, the works of B include plays…and…什么的,考前面book和works的对应,还有works包括books, plays,等平行,不难




  有道题考到and, as well as along with



  One view of the economy contends that a large drop in oil prices should eventually lead to lowering interest rates, as well as lowering fears about inflation, a rally in stocks and bonds, and a weakening of the dollar.

  (A) lowering interest rates, as well as lowering fears about inflation,

  (B) a lowering of interest rates and of fears about inflation,

  (C) a lowering of interest rates, along with fears about inflation,

  (D) interest rates being lowered, along with fears about inflation,

  (E) interest rates and fears about inflation being lowered, with

  key: B

  230. (GWD-8-Q32)

  At the annual stockholders meeting, investors heard a presentation on the numerous challenges facing the company, including among them the threat from a rival’s multibillion-dollar patent-infringement suit and the declining sales for the company’s powerful microprocessor chip.

  A. including among them the threat from a rival’s multibillion-dollar patent-infringement suit and the declining sales for

  B. which includes the threat of a rival’s multibillion-dollar patent-infringement suit and declining sales of

  C. included among these the threat from a rival’s multibillion-dollar patent-infringement suit as well as a decline in sales for

  D. among them the threat of a rival’s multibillion-dollar patent-infringement suit and the decline in sales of (D)

  E. among these the threat from a rival’s multibillion-dollar patent-infringement suit as well as the decline in sales for

  题目释义:…, investors heard a presentation on the numerous challenges …, among them …and….


  简洁有效 代词指代 习惯用语

  1. 简洁有效,include与among意思重复。

  2. 代词指代,GMAT中为避免指代的歧义与模糊,this/that/these/those通常都不单独指代(注意有例外,具体见补充说明)。

  3. 习惯用语:

  sales of正确,意思为“xx的销量”,没有sales for一说。

  threat of +抽象概念(xx的威胁),threat from+sb.(来自某人的威胁)


  A. ① include与among them意思重复;②尾三词的sales for不是正确的习惯用语,只有sales of;③ threat of +抽象概念,threat from+sb,suit是抽象概念,所以应该用threat of;④declining sales for应为decline in sales of…才能和前面的the threat of 逻辑含义上平行àboth are unfavorable things。

  B. 定语从句中谓语动词用了单数形式includes,所以which就近修饰了company,逻辑错误;同A的④。

  C. 同A的②③④;among these错误,these不能做direct object,应该用among them;as well as错误,两件平行的事情被分了主次。

  D. Correct;平行对称很完美,两组”the [abstract notion] of [concrete business/law concept]”的平行;在本题中including和among them都可以用,但是不能同时使用,否则重复。

  E. 同A的②③;among these错误,these不能做direct object,应该用among them;as well as错误,两件平行的事情被分了主次。


  1. among them the threat of a rival’s multibillion-dollar patent-infringement suit and the decline in sales of的结构分析:

  倒装形式的独立主格结构,实际上是the threat of a rival’s multibillion-dollar patent-infringement suit and the decline in sales of the company’s powerful microprocessor chip among them,倒装可以避免头重脚轻,更重要的是among them中的them离其指代对象challenges更近。

  独立主格:among them A and B相当于A and B among them,A and B被倒装移到了后面,是”名词+介词”形式的独立主格。

  2. 关于these的单独指代


  Besides adding complementary flavors to many foods, hot sauces stimulate the release of endorphins in the brain, just as exercise does, and these have a pain-relieving fect like morphine&aposs.


  OG11-115 错误答案(原句):

  George Sand (Aurore Lucile Dupin) was one of the first European writers to consider the rural poor to be legitimate subjects for literature and portray these with sympathy and respect in her novels.

  错误原因“A To be is unnecessary; these must be replaced by them”


  (1) these不能作direct object(直接宾语),34中的these是主语, 不是直接宾语

  (2) they指代前面出现的对象,these指代离它最近的对象,指代都要满足逻辑符合,主谓一致的要求




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