
2017-08-10 作者: 245阅读


  12. 修饰语的排位


  Manhattan SC

  Chapter 6 Modifiers

  Adjective + adjective + noun, both adjectives modify the noun.(Chapter 13: put “more” and “less” in the right positions.Watch out for ambiguity, especially when “more” comes bore an adjective plus a noun.)

  A noun and its modifier should touch each other.

  Avoid long sequences of modifiers that modify the same noun. Putting two long modifiers in a row bore or after a noun can lead to awkward or incorrect phrasings.

  Eg. WRONG: George Carlin, both shocking and entertaining audiences across the nation, who also struggled publicly with drug abuse, influced and inspired a generation of comedians.

  BETTER: Both shocking and entertaining audiences across the nation, George Carlin, who also struggled publicly with drug abuse, influced and inspired a generation of comedians.

  BEST: Both shocking and entertaining audiences across the nation, George Carlin influced and inspired a generation of comedians, even as he struggled publicly with drug abuse.

  In the absence of “ best” constructon, consider the “better” option.

  Chapter 12 Modifier:extra

  Modifier: exception to the Touch Rule

  ⑴ A “mission-critical” modifier falls between. This modifier is often an of-phrase that dines the noun. The less important modifier rers to the noun plus the first modifier.

  Eg. He had a way of dodging opponents that impressed the scounts.(without the mission-critical modifier, the noun “way” is almost meaningless. That指整个名词短语,另外that 不修饰人。)

  ⑵ a very short predicate falls between, shifting a very long modifier back.(倒装)

  Eg. A new CEO has been hired who will transform the company by decentralizing authority to various division heads.

  ⑶ a short non-essential phrase intervenes and is set off by commas.

  Eg. Our system of Presidential election favors states, such as Delaware, that by population are over-represented in the Electoral College.

  ⑷ The modifier is part of a series of parallel modifier, one of which touches the noun.

  Eg. In heraldry, the term “tincture” rers to a color emblazoned on a coat of arms and labeled with a special French word.



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