
2017-08-10 作者: 297阅读


  13. 比较的用法greater than

  Always use “than” with a comparative form.

  14. which 指代

  Manhattan SC

  Chapter 6 Modifiers

  Essential vs Non-essential Noun Modifier

  Use which if the modifier is non-essential, use that if the modifier is essential.

  In some circumstances, you do not have a simple choice between “which” and “that” (e.g. when “which” is used with a preposition). However, you should still obey the comma rule: use comma with non-essential uses of which, but not with essental uses of which.

  Non-essential: This mansion, for which I yearn, is owned by the Lees.

  Essential: The mansion for which I yearn is owned by the Lees.

  Which vs The Present Participle –ing

  Use WHICH only to rer to the noun immediately preceding it – never to rer to an entire clause.

  The –ing form is very flexible. It can modify nouns directly, can modify verbs and ther subjects(表伴随) and can even modify an entire clause(表结果)。

  12月16日更新Chapter 12 Modifiers: Extra

  More on Relative Clauses vs Participles

  Present participles get their tense from the main verb in the sentence.

  PAST: I saw a man cleaning the steps. (“cleaning” takes place in the past)

  PRESENT: I see a man cleaning the steps. (“cleaning” takes place in the present)

  FUTURE: I will see a man cleaning the steps. (“cleaning” takes place in the future)

  If you want the “cleaning” to take place at a different time from the “seeing”, then use the relative clause, not the present participle.

  e.g. The rate of language extinction is accelerating, a tendency ultimately culminating in the survival of just a few language, according to some.错

  The rate of language extinction is accelerating, a tendency that will culminate in the survival of just a few language, according to some.√

  (句子的main verb“is accelerating”是present time,但ulminately说明culminate发生在将来)



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