
2017-08-10 作者: 263阅读


  28. induce和lead

  做招致来讲,应该是induce sth. Lead to sth.

  29. 我考到的一道语法题是:

  The wedding of prince xxx with xxx is the only one that has been celebrated in Westerminster in 500 years.

  “that has been” is underlined, other options are “being celebrated”

  根据狗主回忆还原:The wedding of prince xxx with xxx is the only one that has been celebrated in Westerminster in 500 years.

  Bing celebrated是不对的,我感觉这里用has been celebrated说的过去。。。

  Manhattan SC

  Chapter 7 Verb Tense

  Present Perfect:Still In Effect…

  Started in the past but continue into the present, or remian true in the present.

  The present perfect indicates either continued action or continued fect of a completed action up to the present.

  The present Perfect can be used in –ing forms, infitives, or subordinate clauses to clarify an ambiguous in time.

  e.g. She will pay you when you have taken out the garbage.

  = She will pay you clearly after you take out the garbage and have proven it.

  30. 还有一个考平行结构,其中有bother这个词, 选项里有接to do, 也有doing的

  bother sb to do sth 麻烦某人做某事

  bother to do sth 费心做某事 ; 费心去做某事

  bother doing 懒得做


  31. 考了个单词accrue,前边是profits貌似,然后选项里有说profits accrue to 以及.... accrue profits的

  Accrue vi. 产生;自然增长或利益增加 vt. 获得;积累。二者比较的话

  accrue to:(利益,尤指钱财等)归于(某人);(好处等)归属(某人)

  感觉可以是profits accrue 或accrued profits

  Manhattan SC

  Chapter 11 GM

  Concision: Don’t Make It Too Short

  Keep the prepositional phrase if you need to

  TOO SHORT: I talked to the Boston soldier.

  BETTER: I talked to the soldier form Boston.

  RIGHT: a wall of stone or a stone wall

  If the preposition is not “of”, then you should avoid collapsing the prepositional phrase.

  Keep the prepositional phrase with “of” whenever you have a time period, quantity, or other measurment as the first word. Also, you should generally avoid using a possessive(‘s or s’)to modify a measurement.

  Memorial day(day’s) week 错 the week of memorial day √

  The merger year 错 the year of merger√

  The oxyen amout 错 the amount of oxyen

  The honeybee(honeybee’s) populationdensity错

  the density fo the honeybee population√



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