六月份GMAT考试阅读机经 大象与蜜蜂.

2017-08-10 作者: 169阅读




  (by ApolloHarp 700+)









  第一段有提到一个LUCY KING的研究团队做的研究。最终由大象对蜜蜂的反映还是关系的引出大象的习性。




  第三篇说大象对bee rumble的(一屏多 到文中定位,不难)

  P1 小象的皮比较薄,adult的厚,所以小象vulnerable to bee sting. 一个研究 by TK 惊奇的发现,elephant除了flee 来respond to bee rumble,自己还发出一个rumble

  P2 于是进行第二个试验,将recorded bee rumble 放给大象听,大象都flee.....又失忆了。就讲它们自己的叫声可能是预示其他的danger, 或者保护那些inexperienced elephant...

  P3 又讲了一个什么额外的试验对这个indication有帮助的,我忘了


  Q1.下列哪些are used in the passage to 说明象是为了protect from bee 除了


  B.大象会rumble respond to bee rumble

  C.什么在wild 大象会avoid bee





  一篇关于elephant vs. bee的文章 我上网找了一下 把原文给搜出来了不完全一样但是划线的部分就是考试的原文 稍有改动 一道except的题问文章列用了以下那些例子来支持观点除了....()

  貌似另外有个狗主提到了这题, 但是我选的不是我黑体字标出来的那个选项, 我当时犹豫了一下最后选的是elephant还会对其他的danger做出rumble的反应

  因为原文我认为我黑体字标出来的后面那句话就是elephant avoid bee hives in the wild的具体例子,而且原文提到"Further work is needed to confirm whether the rumble call is used for other kinds of threats, not just bees." 所以我觉得其实文章本身没有正面去说elephant还会对其他的danger做出反应 大家自己判断 小心被我误导











  A team of scientists from Oxford University, Save the Elephants, and Disney’s Animal Kingdom, made the discovery as part of an ongoing study of elephants in Kenya. They report their results in the journal PLoS One.

  ‘In our experiments we played the sound of angry bees to elephant families and studied their reaction(第二段开头),’ said Lucy King of Oxford University’s Department of Zoology and charity Save the Elephants, who led the research. ‘Importantly we discovered elephants not only flee from the buzzing sound but make a unique ‘rumbling’ call as well as shaking their heads(第一段结尾).’

  The team then looked to isolate the specific acoustic qualities associated with this rumbling call and played the sounds back to the elephants to confirm that the recorded call triggered the elephants’ decision to flee even when there was no buzzing and no sign of any bees(第二段第二句).

  ‘We tested this hypothesis using both an original recording of the call, a recording identical to this but with the frequency shifted so it resembled a typical response to white noise, and another elephant rumble as a control,’ said King. ‘The results were dramatic: six out of ten elephant families fled from the loud speaker when we played the ‘bee rumble’ compared to just two when we played a control rumble and one with the frequency-shifted call(第二段中段). Moreover, we also found that the elephants moved away much further when they heard the ‘bee’ alarm call than the other rumbles.(第二段最后貌似是 我记得不清楚了)’

  The researchers believe such calls may be an emotional response to a threat, a way to coordinate group movements and warn nearby elephants – or even a way of teaching inexperienced and vulnerable young elephants to beware. Further work is needed to confirm whether the rumble call is used for other kinds of threats, not just bees.(第三段, 后面出了几道题关于这点的)

  ‘The calls also give tantalising clues that elephants may produce different sounds in the same way that humans produce different vowels, by altering the position of their tongues and lips,’ said Dr Joseph Soltis of Disney’s Animal Kingdom. ‘It’s even possible that, rather like with human language, this enables them to give superficially similar-sounding calls very different meanings.’

  Earlier Oxford University research found that elephants avoid bee hives in the wild(这是后面一道except的题的选项) and will also flee from the recorded sound of angry bees. In 2009 a pilot study led by King showed that a fence made out of beehives wired together significantly reduced crop raids by elephants. The team hopes that the new findings could help develop new ways to duse potential conflicts between humans and elephants(第三段最后).

  Despite their thick hides adult elephants can be stung around their eyes or up their trunks, whilst calves could potentially be killed by a swarm of stinging bees as they have yet to develop this thick protective skin(出现在文章第一段中部). "


  When it comes to the relationship between bees and African elephants, size does not matter. The massive pachyderms are terrified of bees, which can painfully sting elephants around their eyes and inside their trunks. Baby elephants are the most vulnerable to bee stings, as their skin isn’t thick enough to ward off the insects. And researchers have now found that the elephants have developed a special strategy to help them avoid these bees that scare the bejesus out of them.

  When an elephant takes note of a swarm of bees, it emits a distinct rumbling call. This bee alarm, which the scientists termed a “bee rumble,” helps draw the herd’s attention to the bees and allows them to run off unharmed, the researchers write in the journal PloS ONE. What’s more, they respond to an audio recording of the bee rumble as if it were the real thing, giving farmers a tool they could potentially use to fend off unwanted elephants.

  This is the first time that an alarm call for a specific threat has been identified in elephants. Lead researcher Lucy King of the University of Oxford believes that such calls may be an “emotional response” to a threat and a way to co-ordinate group movements. Ms King explained: “We discovered elephants not only flee from the buzzing sound, but make a unique rumbling call, as well as shaking their heads” [BBC]. The head-shaking looked like an attempt to fend off or dislodge the bees that the elephants assumed were buzzing around, King says.

  For the study, King and her team played the recordings of the bee rumble vocalization to 10 elephant families. Six of the families immediately got up and fled, despite the fact that they had neither seen nor heard any bees. When the scientists tweaked the vocalization a bit to remove a key acoustical feature found in bee rumbles, the elephants stayed put. The researchers suggest thatelephants may also have warning calls to alert their fellows to humans and lions—much like Diana monkeys in West Africa can call outa leopard alarm or eagle alarm, depending on which predator they spot [ScienceNOW].

  King hopes that recordings of the bee rumble can be used by farmers to chase away elephants and keep them from trampling fields. As agriculture expands in Africa, elephants have been squeezed into tighter habitats–causing them to stray across fields and damage crops. “Farmers will do anything to keep their crops and families safe from damage, and unfortunately records of shootings, spearings, and poisonings of elephants are on the increase,” Ms King wrote on the University of Oxford’s website [BBC]. King hopes that playing back the bee rumble around fields could serve as a low-tech, humane deterrent to elephants, who will then be sent packing back into the woods.

  Related Content:

  80beats: Elephants’ Tail Hairs Tell a Story of Competition on the Savanna

  80beats: Zoo Elephants’ Lives Cut Short by Obesity, Loneliness

  80beats: Elephant-Lovers Worry About Controversial Ivory Auctions in Africa

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