2017-08-10 227阅读
开pizza和golf club.
有个调查说在Park Hill区有家theater,一家pizza店和一家golf club很火,于是一家投资公司的一个智商捉急的小朋友就向他们老板说:我们可以在Irongate区也投资一家Playhouse,一家pizza店和一家golf club。而且为了招揽顾客并maximize our return,我们可以让第三家店给去过其余两家店的顾客打折。
The following appeared as part of the business plan of the Capital Idea investment firm:
“Across town in the Park Hill district, the Thespian Theater, Pizzazz Pizza, and the Niblick Golf Club have all had business increases over the past two years. Capital Idea should therore invest in the Roxy Playhouse, the Slice-o’- Pizza, and the Divot Golf Club, three new businesses in the Irongate district. As a condition, we should require them to participate in a special program: Any customer who patronizes two of the businesses will receive a substantial discount at the third. By motivating customers to patronize all three, we will thus contribute to the profitability of each and maximize our return.”
1、 错误类比,
First of all, the success of the Thespian Theater, Pizzazz Pizza, and the Niblick Golf Club in the Park Hill district does not guarantee the success of the Roxy Playhouse,
2、 过去两年推将来
Secondly, the fact that three businesses in the Park Hill district have all had business increases within the past two years does not warrant they will continue to be profitable in the coming year.
3、 无关假设
Finally, the author unfairly assumes that customers will take equal interest in the three different new business, but the consumers may patronize(惠顾)only one or two of the new business.
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