2017gre issue写作优秀实例:职业选择.

2017-08-09 作者: 298阅读



  Most people choose a career on the basis of such pragmatic considerations as the needs of the economy, the relative ease of finding a job, and the salary they can expect to make. Hardly anyone is free to choose a career based on his or her natural talents or interest in a particular kind of work.


  Few people, if asked, would list his interests as the first element considered when searching for a career, yet even fewer would believe people would find a job just because it is out of that person&aposs own interest, especially when it does not have anything to do with the popular trend. However, I&aposd rather hold the opinion that these people do exist.

  True indeed, it is just natural to base one&aposs consideration on relative ease of finding a job and the salary of that job. Let me call it "to follow the economic trends". Catering the needs of society is following the economic trend, to weigh the ease and difficulty of finding a job is following the economic trend, moreover, bargaining on the salary is also following the economic trend. It is human nature to follow a trend. There seems to be a hidden promise that by doing so, one&aposs decision is probably to go right and won&apost lose much. Why not? When all people rush to choose a specific job, say, a lawyer or a dentist, it must have great profits in it. To wait and see means to lose opportunities. Even if the majority all lose, the mutual destiny comforts everyone. On the other hand,choosing an appropriate salary shows another side of "following the trend". To earn and to compete makes up another part that urges people to find a so-called decent job.No wonder we see thousand of excellent middle-school students go to great lengths to distinguish themselves to enroll in law schools and business schools. They are following the trend! The economic trend tells them these schools will lead to a fine job.获得更多gre考试咨询点击进入>>>>澳际免费咨询顾问或联系QQ客服:

  However, I do believe there are individuals that make jobs out of their true love of something, disregarding any trends that other people run after. We&aposve got plenty of examples of such people. I may not be able to name some, but I know that such "mavericks" scatter on different corners on the earth. Others may argue that ignoring the needs of economy will just keep their products away from the markets and thus their income is possibly low. In response, I&aposd tell them that "the needs of economy" is a relative concept. While most women follow the hair-style (usually led by fashion magazines) of letting it down, there are always a small population that holds to their own tastes of winding their hair up. In the similar way, the scare people who make products out of their own love will always have their scare but corresponding buyers.For them, find a job is not as easy as their counterparts mentioned above, but once they stick to their love and goal, they will make it!

  In addition, not to follow the economic trend, to some extent, illustrates a new direction of all aspects of our economic process. Fashion cannot last long. Where they turn to a new point may well come from those people. In a sense, it is those individuals that are leading the trend, though in most cases they are unaware of it.

  Last but not least, it is a great pleasure to base one&aposs life on his or her natural talents or interest in a particular kind of work, no matter how much the salary is, no matter how people will react to it. This attitude releases them from the thousands anxieties that afflict other people. They may enjoy themselves so much when others are worrying about the inflation or the loss due to stock market. Those people aim to the true value of their products but not the day-to-day life. To them, working out of their true interests is more a part of his or her life, rather than a job to make a living on.

  In short, it is all very well for people to follow the economic trends and to put many pragmatic considerations choosing a job. But the opposite group of people should never be regarded as poor guys that are not possibly to find a job. They will dinitely "sell" while they enjoy their lives so much.


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