
2017-08-09 作者: 250阅读



  Unless the surveyor sampled a sufficient number of and did so randomly across the entire spectrum, the results are not reliable to gauge generally. The number of respondents, in itself, does not ensure representativeness. For example, if the samples included only , (then the results would no doubt suggest....). Or if the grosses are considerable, (10000) would account for only a little percentage, which would render the result of the survey meaningless.

  We are not informed whether the survey responses are anonymous, even confidential. If they were not, the result of the survey would give no support to the author&aposs point.

  What&aposs more, the surveyor must be the cross-bencher/nonaligned, which was not mentioned as well.

  The validity of the study is doubtful. Lacking information about and the number of respondents, it is impossible to access the validity of the results. If, for instance, 200 professors were surveyed but only 2 responded, the conclusion that would be highly suspect. Because the letter offers no evidence that would rule out these interpretations, the results of the study are insufficient to support the conclusion.

  Unless the surveyor sampled a sufficient number of and did so randomly across the entire spectrum, the result are not reliable to gauge generally. We are not informed whether the study responses are anonymous, even confidential. If they were not, the result of the survey would give no support to the author&aposs point. What&aposs more, the study conductor must be a cross-bencher, which was not mentioned either. Thus, the validity of the study is highly doubtful.



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