2017-08-09 65阅读
关于GRE Argument的审题指导。以下是澳际小编为大家整理的资料。希望对大家能有帮助,供参考。
【要点 1】看清结构,找准结论与论据。
有些 GRE 作文老师认为只能花 1min 迅速扫过题目,然后就开始写;然而,我并不赞成这一观点。欲速则不达,文章也有长短,看得太快理不清题目内容的结构,将使得整个写作过程缓慢而艰难,往往容易犯大错。建议把文章结构看清楚再开始写作,可以花 2min,千万不要慌,要镇定、从容!
ARGUMENT221 - The following appeared in the editorial section of a student newspaper.
"In a recent survey, most students who were studying beginning Russian gave higher course-evaluation ratings to classes taught by non-native Russian speakers than to classes taught by native Russian speakers. The reason that the non-native speakers were better teachers of Russian is easy to see: the non-native speakers learned Russian later in life themselves, and so they have a better understanding of how the language can be taught fectively. Therore, in order to improve instruction for all languages and also save money, our university should hire non-native speakers as language instructors instead of trying to find and recruit native speakers."
结论:Our university should hire non-native speakers as language instructors instead of trying to find and recruit native speakers, in order to improve instruction for all languages and also save money.
论据 1:In a recent survey, most students who were studying beginning Russian gave higher course-evaluation ratings to classes taught by non-native Russian speakers than to classes taught by native Russian speakers.
论据 2:The non-native speakers learned Russian later in life themselves, and so they have a better understanding of how the language can be taught fectively.
【要点 2】找出三个主要逻辑错误。
一般情况下, 通常可以找到三个主要逻辑错误(大于三个时把同类错误合并,或者舍弃不重要的错误;也有的题目可能只有两个错误)。
错误 1:Survey;
错误 2:Non-native speakers do not necessarily teach fectively;
错误 3:Hiring non-native speakers as language instructors would not necessarily improve instruction for all languages and also save money.
【要点 3】把几个逻辑错误进行逻辑排序。
【要点 4】找出每个逻辑错误的反驳例子。
如果没有准备过某个题目, 那么写该题时举反驳的例子将是最耗费时间的工作,时间太少很可能举的例子不够合适,难以具备相应的说服力;因此,准备好反驳例子是提纲准备时的重要工作。
错误 1:Survey 可以像其他很多题目中的 Survey 一样进行攻击,结合题目本身对 Survey 中的攻击点稍作变动即可; 而错误 2 和 3 就需要举出合适的例子。
错误 2:可能其他很多方面影响语言老师的教学水平,比如对某语言的文化背景的理解程度,本土老师有更深刻的理解,可以让学生对所学语言更加了解。
错误 3:就算 Russian 语言是非本土老师教得好,其他语言不一定,可能本土没有人精通德语;就算所有语言的非本土老师都教得更好,不一定节约钱可能呢些非本土老师仗着自己教得更好,就要求更高的工资。
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