
2017-08-09 作者: 349阅读

想要在新GRE写作考试中拿到高分,考生首先就要积累大量的GRE写作素材,为了帮助大家更好的应对新GRE写作考试,下面澳际教育小编给大家整理了一些实用的GRE写作素材。   用处最多的新GRE写作素材整理,希望考生们将这些GRE写作例子灵活运用,完善自己的新GRE写作。   1)教育类   1. For instance, applicants with Computer Science deGREes would not only be qualified for jobs in high-tech companies, they would also be well prepared for any job with computer skills as a prerequisite.   2. A good education is supposed to include everything from languages to mathematics to science, etc.   3. A well-rounded education leads to well-balanced people, which in turn leads to a tolerant, knowledgeable society.   4. There are a GREat many children thinking the main purpose of education should be to afford them pleasure and enjoyment. (注意there be句型后的名词再加动词不能用原形。)   2) 人的性格   1. If you weep for the missing sunset, you would miss all the shining stars.   3) 成功&事业   1. Jackie Chan once told that when he was still a teenager, he and his partners were required to practice more than 12 hours a day; and it was said Jet Li was sent to be an apprentice when he was hardly four years old.   2. Bill Gates, as we know, dropping out from university when he found the possibility of earning money in a new massive market - personal computer market. As a result, he succeeded.   3. Steven Jobs found Apple company when he was young, and when his business reached the peak, he was fired by directors of board. However he never lost hope and didn&apost give up. Jobs set up a new company named Pixar and made several famous animation movies. Finally when Pixar was bought by Apple, Jobs returned to Apple.   4) 公共事业   Increase employment opportunity create more jobs   5) 艺术类   1. Confucius, GREatest Chinese philosopher, commented, “Art helps a person gets a better life.   6) 万能例子   "If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas." - George Bernard Shaw.   以上就是小编给大家整理的新GRE写作素材,这些都是比较实用的GRE写作素材,大家在备考新GRE写作的时候,可以好好的背诵一下这些素材,希望能够对大家的新GRE写作考试有所帮助。   澳际六步曲第二步为您进行考试指导,澳际培训核心思维颠覆国内传统大班无差异化批发模式,采取一对一个性化教学,辅之小班精英辅导应试方法和学生英语能力结合,考试辅导和留学规划一体化行动,学生国际化英语思维构建及西方人文知识和视野的开拓并重。   我们具体的服务项目如下:   1. 免费测评模考,分析申请人的问题,制作考试测评报告和备考指导   2. 结合申请人的申请目标和考试基础,制定考试整体规划及时间安排   3. 提供对申请人有帮助的考试经验和机经等   4. 根据需要提供免费口语模拟和指导服务   5. 免费修改作文4篇   6. 考前心理指导,调整考前心理状态   (注:口语模拟和作文修改服务提供时间为每年2月28日-8月1日)


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