
2017-08-08 作者: 269阅读


  考试地点:山东济南 山大千佛山校区

  issue38"In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books."

  另一道issue忘了 不好意思 看这个蛮简单就直接选了……

  argument186.The following appeared in the letter to an editor of a Myrian newspaper.

  "Under Governor Winslow&aposs leadership over the past four years, Myria has enjoyed unprecedented prosperity. Average wage increases this year are higher than they have been at any time since the 1970&aposs, the number of people who report being unemployed has decreased by 10 percent, and construction of new homes is up by one third. In contrast, over the past four years Governor Winslow&aposs opponent, Mr. Homer, has been mayor of a city(考题里边加了个地名,说叫Branchburg 额,刚害我找了半天,还以为自己拼错了……) in which only a small number of new businesses have opened. If Myrians want another four years like the past four years, they should reelect Governor Winslow."


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