
2017-08-08 作者: 256阅读



  Issue141-"Most people recognize the benits of individuality, but the fact is that personal economic success requires conformity."

  Issue 168-"Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field."

  Argument171-The following appeared in a memo from the marketing director of Bargain Brand Cereals.

  "One year ago we introduced our first product, &aposBargain Brand&apos breakfast cereal. Our very low prices quickly drew many customers away from the top-selling cereal companies. Although the companies producing the top brands have since tried to compete with us by lowering their prices, and although several plan to introduce their own budget brands, not once have we needed to raise our prices to continue ** a profit. Given our success selling cereal, Bargain Brand should now expand its business and begin marketing other low-priced food products as quickly as possible."

  考试时间:2011年4月26日 8:30~10:30


  Issue 119-"When research priorities are being set for science, education, or any other area, the most important question to consider is: How many people&aposs lives will be improved if the results are successful?"

  Argument 225-The following appeared as part of a letter to the editor of a local newspaper.

  "During her three years in office, Governor Riedeburg has shown herself to be a worthy leader. Since she took office, crime has decreased, the number of jobs created per year has doubled, and the number of people choosing to live in our state has increased. These trends are likely to continue if she is reelected. In addition, Ms. Riedeburg has promised to take steps to keep big companies here, thereby providing jobs for any new residents. Anyone who looks at Ms. Riedeburg&aposs record can tell that she is the best-qualified candidate for governor."


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