
2017-08-08 作者: 242阅读


  I took the GRE revised general test in Tokyo on 21 Sep. My score was 331; V 161, Q 170. The pattern was VQVQV. This is the first time I took New GRE. But I took the old GRE test three years ago, and the score then was 1300, v 500, quite bad, Q 800. I prepared for this exam for two weeks. I was traveling in Europe for the most of August, and spent some time memorizing some vocabulary. By the time I got back to Tokyo, I almost forgot most of them. I started to take the test seriously at the beginning of Sep and tried my best to memorize as many new words as possible.

  I forgot most of the questions, but still would like to share some of the questions with you guys and wish all of you good luck.


  Issue: If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable.

  Argument: The vice president of a company that makes men&aposs clothes, proposes to resume the production of overcoat based on several reasons. A new supplier of wool fabric has been found. The overcoat will sell well as its competitor does not sell overcoat any more and this company has not produced any overcoat for the past five years. Consumers wil be willing to pay higher prices for overcoat as other types of clothing has gone up. The profit of this company will increase if production of overcoat is resumed.

  Reading: Drinking can help prevent cancer. People in Japan drink ten cups of tea everyday, and ....

  Quantitative part.

  There is one question seems interesting

  N is a prime number larger than 5.

  A: the unit digit of N^4 B:3

  Which is larger?



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