
2017-08-08 作者: 377阅读


  Canceling Your Scores

  At the end of the test, you will be given the option to cancel your scores. You cannot cancel your score for one section of the test and have the scores for the remaining sections reported. Although you have the option to cancel your scores, consider very carully bore doing so. Your scores will be reported to GRE®score recipients only at your request. If you cancel your scores, they will NOT be reported to you or any score recipients and no rund will be made. Canceled scores are not added to your permanent record. If you wish to take the test again, you must reregister and submit another test payment.获得更多gre考试咨询点击进入>>>>澳际免费咨询顾问或联系QQ客服:

  Score Reinstatement – Fee $30

  Scores canceled by you can be reinstated if your request is received at ETS within 60 days after your test date. You may fax or mail a written request to GRE General Inquiries. Your request must include your name, date of birth, daytime phone number, test date and registration number, payment and up to four free score recipients. Include the appropriate department codes (PDF) and indicate what scores you want sent. You may choose to send only General Test scores, only Subject Test scores or both scores, but you may not choose to have only those scores from a specific test date reported. If you do not select score recipients at this time, you must pay $23 per recipient to have scores sent at a later date.

  Scores will be reinstated and reported approximately two weeks after your request for the computer-based test or on the approximate score report mailing date for the paper-based test. Your scores will be mailed to you and your designated score recipients shortly thereafter.








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