
2017-08-07 作者: 135阅读


  Here are the 5 things people are afraid of the most about IELTS:


  1. What if I miss the answers in the Listening module?


  This is a fear of losing concentration. Ask any IELTS candidate what they are afraid of in the Listening module and they will say: “I am afraid to miss answers. I am afraid that I won’t be able to follow the recording”.


  To make this fear disappear there is only one solution – practice. Practising builds up confidence and teaches you how to recover even if you’ve missed a question or two; how to move on and get all the rest done. Practice reveals what your weaknesses are, which tasks are the most difficult for you, and where the points are usually lost. Paying extra attention to those tasks will save precious points and improve the overall band score.


  2. What if I don’t have enough time?


  In the Reading and Writing sections the most common fear is to not finish on time. The best way to deal with this fear is to take control of the time and manage it carully. The students are given several passages and under no circumstances should you let one passage eat up all the time.


  One of the time management techniques is called “Divide and Conquer”. Divide the time in the very beginning of the test and write down when you will start working on each passage. Stick to that contract no matter what. Even if you have questions unanswered, move on to the next passage. Consider this a damage control system – it will make sure that even if some questions were missed, most of the questions will be answered.

  有种时间管理的技巧叫“化整为零各个击破”。在做题之初就写下何时该做每一篇阅读的时间。如论什么状况,都要按照这个你所订立的契约来。就算你 的题目没有打完,也要跳过继续下一篇。把这当作是一种损害管理系统——它可以保证你即使在某些题跳过的情况下,大多数的题目会完成

  3. What if I have nothing to write about?


  This is a fear of writer’s block. Many students are afraid of getting a topic for the essay and having nothing to say about it. The easiest way to get over it is to read a lot of essays on different topics and to absorb other people’s ideas. The truth is that IELTS examiners don’t care about the source of the information; it is the way an essay is written that matters.


  4. What if I say the wrong thing?


  This is a fear of expressing the “inappropriate” ideas. Contrary to what many people think, there are no right or wrong ideas. As long as the student is speaking on topic and expressing their thoughts in a logical way, no idea can harm their score.


  5. What if I have nothing to say?


  This is a fear of interaction with the examiner. In general, the Speaking module often makes people feel uncomfortable because there is little or no time to think. What if they ask me a question and I have no idea what to say, no opinion? To make this fear go away people need to build up confidence. Practising speaking for a couple of weeks with a list of topics can do wonders; after you’ve proven the ability to speak to yourself, it becomes much easier to demonstrate it to the examiner.

  这是对跟考官的交流的担心。通常来说,口语考试会使考生觉得不自在,因为允许思考的时间几乎没有。如果他们问了一个问题,而我完全无话可说,根本没想法,怎么破?破除的方法就是建立起自信心。列个话题清单,自己操练上两三个星期,奇迹会发生。当你已经具备了自言自语的能力后,跟考官展现你的这种 语言能力会容易太多。

  Some students get nervous about being recorded. Surprisingly the reason for this procedure is to evaluate the examiner, not the examinee. There are cases when students are not happy with their score and demand re-assessment, which can only be done if there is a recording of the exam.




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