
2017-08-07 作者: 225阅读




  1.Many people have the acknowledgement that environmental protection is a must. However, few of them take any action on this movement. What do you think about this and how should people deal with this problem?

  2.Nowadays, many big cities faces serious problem such as traffic jam, housing shortage, crimes, unemployment, etc. Which one do you think is the most serious one? What methods should we take to deal with all these problems?

  3.There are many aids from developed countries to the developing nations. Some people believe that financial aid is the most important one. Why does people take this perspective and what are other methods to help poor countries get out of their obscurity?

  4.Besides making staffs by mankind, people tend to use assembly line and robots to manufacture some products such as cars and computers. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

  5.Facing the unemployment, many workers cannot feed themselves and their families as they are used to be. Why does this happen and how should citizens and the society deal with this problem?

  6.Many believe that people should settle down in the countryside rather than live in the crowed city area. While others believe that it is a smart choice to live in the urban area for many benits. Discuss both sides and give you own opinion.

  7.Cheap air flight will give people more freedom than ever bore. At the same time, it will bring about more pollution to the natural world. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

  8.Many teenagers spend most time on TV programs and online games. Some schools conduct some policies to forbid those behaviors with the great help and agreement of parents. Some people believe that this will violate the right of kids. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  9.Trditional games are disappearing since the invention of modern games. Some people believe this is an unstoppable trend and there is nothing we can do. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  10.Healthy condition for each individual is a key to the civilized society. Some believe that this is an obligation for the government to keep the health as a whole. Others believe that each citizen should take his own responsibility. Discuss both sides and give you own opinion.



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