
2017-08-07 作者: 598阅读


  What are the purposes of the places such as museums, and how should they be funded?

  ----------------------Discussion-----285words in total------------------

  Introduction (42 words)

  It is well known that a museum is a building to display a collection of scientific, historical,cultural or natural objects. Undoubtedly museums can have many purposes in the city; I would like to mention two of them as following.

  Body1 (68 words)

  Visiting museums can give you much information. (topic sentence) If you visit a museum, you may better understand a subject which you are studying, because you can see some objects which cannot be seen on books. For example, after visiting a scientific museum, you may be able to describe a spaceship in a wider way and say something very specific. I believe that your classmates would admire you a lot.

  Body2 ( 66words)

  Also, visiting museums can develop one&aposs love to his or her country (topic sentence) In China,schools often organize trips to some historical museums. When the students learn that many years ago, China was deated and foreign soldiers robbed treasure and killed a large number of Chinese who were not in the army, soon they will be angry with the enemies and show deep love to the nation, hoping China to be strong in the world.

  Body3 ( 70words)

  Now that museums can play important part in the city, they should be funded. I suggest that the museums should be planned as tourist attractions. They can be opened to the public to collect entrance tickets. More visitors, more funds can be gained. If the Government provides some rules that all students and government staff in the city ought to visit museums regularly, a large sum of funds can be made.

  Conclusion (39 words)

  In conclusion, museums should become important part of our daily lives and the Government should encourage more people to visit museums. If more people come to visit museums, local culture can be more developed and museums can be better run.


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