
2017-08-07 作者: 229阅读


  Some people think that killing animals for food is cruel and unnecessary while others argue that animal meat is essential for people&aposs daily lives. Discuss this topic in both sides and give your opinion.

  -----------(Argumentation)-------------- 289 words in total -----------


  When you visit a Macdonald fast-food restaurant, enjoying a Big Mac sandwiched with a piece of be should be an inviting meal. However, many people may feel disgusted and cruel if a dog is killed for preparing hamburgers. (38 words)

  Body1 (99 words)

  On the one hand, some animals can bring help and joy to humans .(topic sentence) It is very common to see some people play games with a dog or other kind of cute pets in a park. The laughter tells us how enjoyable and harmonious it is to raise a pet in the family. It is well known that a fierce cat can keep mice away from the family and a well-trained dog can lead blind people to walk in the street without causing traffic accidents. For these reasons, these animals are our companions and killing them, say, pets, is quit unacceptable.

  Body 2 ( 87 words)

  On the other hand, many kinds of animals such as cattle and fowl are the source of food ( topic sentence).It is reported that without eating meat for a couple of months, one may suffer from diciency diseases. Eating an appropriate amount of meat every day is essential for keeping us healthily alive. Moreover, meat-processed industry has enjoyed a boom for hundreds of years, and millions of people are engaged in the relevant occupations. Hence any acts against this industry may result in a considerable amount of lay-offs, destabilizing society. Conclusion ( 65 words) Finally, I will conclude this debatable topic with my own opinion . Man is the supreme living thing in the world. Humans have rights to take advantage of any kind of animals. Pets should not be killed because raising pets can offer a more enjoyable and helpful family life, and people should stick at eating traditional food like be, poultry and pork owing to an essential need .



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