
2017-08-07 作者: 230阅读

  Apology——目的+原因+再次表示歉意 / 补救措施

  1. I am writing to apologize for …

  2. I am terribly sorry, but…

  3. Thank you for …, but I am sorry to say that…

  End of an apology letter

  1. I hope you can accept my apologies. Please allow me to say sorry again.

  2. Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.

  3. I would be very gratul if you could tell me if there is any way that I can make up for it. I do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

  Writing task 1

  One of your pen pals will shortly be visiting your city. For some reasons, you cannot manage to meet her at the airport on time.

  Write a letter asking her to wait for you at the airport and tell her how to identify you.

  Dear Mary,

  I am very much looking forward to your visit to my city. Just think: after all these years of writing to each other, we will finally have the chance to meet! However, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to meet you at the airport as soon as you arrive.

  The reason is that your flight will arrive early in the morning, and the quickest I can get to the airport will be about an hour after you land. Please wait for me in the arrival lounge. You should be able to have breakfast there while you wait.

  By the way, as we have never met I must tell you how to recognize me: I am medium height and have a small mustache. In addition, I will be carrying a copy of the morning newspaper tucked under my lt arm.

  Looking forward to out first meeting.

  Yours sincerely,




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