
2017-08-07 作者: 387阅读




  l 什么工作?赚钱为目的还是援助目的?

  l 哪些国家? 发达国家,发展中国家?文化形同的国家还是文化相近似的国家?

  l 什么人出国工作?在自己国内穷困潦倒备受欺辱压抑?还是国内生活幸福,寻求更高的理想和人生的价值?

  l 我们的文化中对出国持有什么的态度?

  It is necessary to make clear several key terms bore discussing the advantages and disadvantages of working abroad for a period of time. The first is the feature of the job and the aim of the person in a foreign country. The second is the culture and economic characteristics of the foreign country.

  If a person comes to a foreign country not to make money but to help others, regardless of the forms of job, the advantages of working in the foreign country are obvious. The main reason is that the meaning of life is nothing but to help others. To help others in a foreign county, for instance, to cure or to teach, makes life brilliant. If, however, one is forced to go abroad because of poor living condition in his or her own country, it will be hard to say whether it is good or bad. Suppose the person survives and thrives in the foreign country, it is advantageous. Otherwise, if the person fails to make a living, who dare to say it is advantageous to work abroad?

  Another contributing factor is the economic, cultural, and other social characteristics of the foreign country. If one person works in a country where the culture is not conflict with his or her own, he or she might find easy to do the job. But at the same it is impossible for this person to learn a new culture. Therore, it is hard to conclude whether it is negative or positive. Moreover, the economic condition of the foreign country plays a key role in this discussion. In a developed country, to work makes more money, improving the living standard. In a less developed country, to do some job might have other merits.

  To sum up, it is impossible to draw an absolute conclusion about the pros and cons of working in a foreign country due to many ambiguous terms in sense.



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