
2017-08-07 作者: 276阅读

  Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality continuously, students are encouraged to make comments or even criticism on teachers. Others think the respect and discipline in the classroom will disappear. Which opinion do you prer?

  There is dispute over whether or not students are encouraged to make comments or even criticism on teachers. Some people maintain that it is a good way to improve educational quality, whereas others are confident that if students do it, the respect and discipline in the classroom will disappear. Every man will hesitate but if asked to make a choice between the two. I would not hesitate to choose the former over the latter.

  There are some major causes for it. In the first instance, the improvement of students is the final goal of education. Only by giving comment on teachers’ performance can let teachers know the process of students’ development clearly. Furthermore, the criticism is the stimulus to teachers’ self-perfection and improvement in educational quality. Last but not least, the criticism itself is a kind of feedback and communication between teachers and students, lack of which will affect the educational outcome afterwards.

  Although each nutshell has concave and convex sides, weighing the pros and cons of the argument, I’m inclined to agree with the former point of view although it has posed a tremendous challenge to teachers and thus the entire educational system.

  If the students have courage to make comments on their teachers, they will have more confidence to conquer the difficulties in the future. As a Chinese proverb says,“the waves behind drive on those behind, so the new excels the old.”Teachers will find their own disadvantage in the teaching to again and again.



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