
2017-08-07 作者: 162阅读


  People have different expectation for jobs. Some people prer to do the same job for the same company, and some people rather than change the job frequently. advantage and disadvantage?

  In the last few years, with the development of society, working in a place all along has already become history. People can choose their job freely, so, people have different expectation for jobs. Some people prer to do the same job for the same company, and some people rather than change the job frequently. This dispute has brought our attention.

  First of all, the free choice of the job is the inevitable outcome of the social development. People can give play to their different ability in different work positions. To a person gifted in many ways, it is very challenging to often change the job. For example, a person has very outstanding ability, in the specific field. He can change his job after working some time in one place, in order to seek kind development. Moreover, a person has very good ability in many aspects, then, He can often change and work, in order to seek the feeling of freshness or raise the quality of life.

  However, to some people or some specific posts, it is impossible to often change the job. For instance, an accountant, he only grasps the knowledge and experience of accounting, he can work perfectly within the specific limits, and then changing job is unnecessary to him. Furthermore, in order to make the scientific payoffs, some scientists dedicate themselves to the scientific undertaking.

  So, I think whether people should change the job frequently, should depend on their personal situation or their working position. As a saying goes, it is one-sided to treat the question in isolation.


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