
2017-08-07 作者: 195阅读


  Someone argues that Video games are all things that are fun and sometimes educational for kids. Someone argues that Indulgence in video games leads to worsening grades. What do you think of the issue?


  1.Computer games can help young people build self-esteem.

  2. Games offer an escape from the real world and a chance to relax. Games allow anger to be brought out in other ways.

  3.Complex games have been usul in encouraging attitude change, in supporting the development of critical thinking, in problem solving and in developing decision-making skills.

  4. The instant feedback and risk-free environment invite exploration and experimentation, stimulating curiosity, discovery learning and perseverance.

  5. Simulation games enable engagement in learning activities otherwise too costly to resource or too dangerous, difficult or impractical to implement in the class-room as well as those that are hard to accomplish by other means.

  Words and expressions for the topic:


  1.A video game addict may be a bully amongst his or her mates and is more prone to confrontation with teachers.

  2.It is claimed that frequent use of computer games can exacerbate negative psycho-social tendencies (such as those towards social isolation and even violence)

  3. Violent video games may be linked to an increase in aggressive behavior. There are many questions about the cumulative fect of video games, computers, and television.

  4.Time spent on the computer or video game is out of balance, and has displaced work, school, friends, and even family. Computer use has reached beyond work and is now a major source of fun and entertainment for many people.


  accomplish vt.完成,达到,实现

  aggressive behavior好斗行为

  bully n. 欺凌弱小者

  confrontation n. 对质,对抗

  critical thinking 判断力

  cumulative adj. 累积的

  curiosityn. 好奇心

  displace vt.取代

  escape n. 逃脱

  exacerbate vt.恶化,使加剧

  experimentation n. 探险

  exploration n. 作决定的能力

  perseverancen. 坚定不移

  psycho-social tendencies 心理和交际能力

  relax 放松,休息


  simulation games 模拟游戏


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