名师 2017年4月21日雅思写作预测.

2017-08-07 作者: 293阅读


  1 Little has been done to prevent animals and plants from dying out,although people have been aware of this problem for a long time. Why have people done so little about it? How can we solve this problem?

  2 The growth in international tourism has negative fects on the language and culture of developing countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  3 Most of the government funding should be used by schools to teach science rather than teach other subjects in order for a country to develop. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  4 To learn a foreign language well, students should also learn about the culture and lifestyles of people who speak the language. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  5 The speeding up of life in many areas such as travel and telecommunications has negative fects on society at all levels—individual, national and global. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  6 Some people think that the main purpose of schools is to turn the children into good citizens and workers rather than to benit them as individuals. What is your opinion?

  7 Family and community life have the greatest influence on children&aposs development. What is your opinion?

  8 The old generations have traditional ideas about the correct way of life. These ideas are not helpful for the younger generation to prepare for modern life. Do you agree or disagree?

  9 Public libraries should only provide books and should not waste their limited resources on the expensive high-tech media such as software or DVDs. Do you agree or disagree?

  10 Today, many people work from home using modern technology. Some people think that this only benits employees, but not the employers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  11 Staying healthy through playing sports and eating well should be an individual’s duty towards society rather than a habit for personal benits. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  12 Technological and scientific advances have made great changes to the range and quality of our food. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these changes.

  13 Some people believe that charities in developed countries should give international aid to people in greatest need. Other people believe that those charities should concentrate on helping needy people in their own countries. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

  14 People who read for pleasure can develop better imagination and good language skills than those who prer to watch TV. Do you agree or disagree?

  15 Some people think that the only purpose of prison is to punish crime. Others think it has other functions. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

  16 There is an increasing amount of advertising directed at children which encourages them to buy goods such as toys and snacks. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.



2012年4月21日雅思写作预测 9道题目




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