
2017-08-07 作者: 40阅读


  Task2 : In some cultures the old age is highly valued; while in some cultures youth is highly valued. Discuss both and give your opinion.



  The relative importance of the elderly people and the young is a debatable issue when people try to explain the different levels of concerns they should get from the society.

  Obviously, the older people are unlikely to work ficiently or take good care of themselves as they used to. Therore, some people argue that they deserve more concerns and assistances than the teenagers do, not just because of their age, but also due to the contribution they made to the society when they were young. Alter their retiring, government and the next younger generation should take the responsibility tolook after them, since caring about the older people is the moral and ethical principle of any cultures.

  On the other hand, the younger generation is of crucial importance for the future of a country. So the value of teenagers and adolescents should not be ignored either, especially since the problem of adolescent delinquency becoming an increasingly widespread issue. Children should be raised and educated properly, and in this sense, parents are no doubt playing the key role. However, there is more to the kids’ education than parental guides, and schools and teachers are also extremely important.

  In other words, it is essential for governments to have the appropriate education systems and also provide sufficient school funding. In conclusion, I tend to agree with the viewthatthe elderly people and the young ones are of equal importancor any community. Therore, governments and society have the indispensable responsibility to provide help and assistance to both of them and value them at the same level.



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