
2017-08-07 作者: 72阅读


  1. 环境类

  1). Individuals Vs Government/Company个人与政府或公司关系

  It is only the government that has the force to stop factories from �polluting rivers and contaminating soil. Also, the government can offer an �enormous amount of money as a reward to the first individual or company that �comes up with a viable, environment-friendly alternative to fossil fuels. �Besides, apart from governments, very few people are financially sufficient to �combat large-scale/disastrous environmental accidents, such as the oil spill at �Mexican Gulf in 2011.

  Even if governments launched seemingly protective measures, they would not �make any difference until individual citizens were fully aware of the importance �of environmental preservation and willing to make their share of contribution. �Besides, the influence exerted by relatives or friends is far more fective �than the fort made by the government.

  2). Causes of environmental problems 导致环境问题的原因

  Growing reliance on private cars will lead to an increase in the �consumption of fossil fuels. As a result, there will be an increase in the �emission of greenhouse gas, such as carbon dioxide. In other words, people’s �unwillingness to sacrifice comfortable modern lives is one of the leading causes �behind all the environmental problems.

  2. 政府投资

  1). Investment on art (subjects)政府在艺术方面投资

  2). Investment on space exploration 政府在太空探索领域的投资

  Enhancement of public facilities is closely related to people’s life �quality. If bus and rail services were more reliable, commuters would spend much �less time getting to and from work.

  However, admitting the importance of public facilities is not the same as �denying the importance of art development. In fact, art is much more tied to �people’s everyday life than expected. Without art, people would have to wear the �same clothes, live in the same buildings and watch monotonous movies. With �governments financially supporting artists, they will be able to be less �concerned about earning bread but pay more fort to create wonderful diversity �in people’s lives.

  3. 媒体

  1). Effects of violence in TV or movies 电视电影中暴力情节的影响

  A: Media violence is a natural way for people to release/combat stress, as �they can have an escape from daily work and routine when immersed in the �excitement of punching and fighting. In addition, children who are sheltered �from violence don’t have that safe outlet and can have a harder time dealing �with violent emotions as they get older.

  B: Young viewers have an instinctive desire to copy behavior of people whom �they admire. If they are excessively exposed to violent scenes, the possibility �is relatively high that they take the use of violence for granted to solve �problems.

  2). Advantages and disadvantages of ads两方面讨论广告的利弊

  A: Advertisements about new products keep customers informed about the new �developments in the industry. They help to provide information of the newly �launched products. Advertising is a complicated task and a lot of people are �involved in the making of an advertisement. Research team, design team and many �other people are required to make and deliver it. So, advertisements generate �employment for a lot of people.

  B: A certain proportion of advertisements lead people to impulsively buy �something that they do not really need by inviting stars or exaggerating the �fects of a product or service.



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