雅思口语Part 1话题——Internet.

2017-08-07 作者: 509阅读

  1.Do you often use the Internet?

  Yes, the Internet is great. I use the internet to keep up with current events. The Internet has a lot of quality news articles from many different sources. There is a world of knowledge right at your finger tips.

  Yes, almost every day. I use the Internet for school research, email, and sometimes for map quest and news.

  2. What do you use the Internet for most?

  To check my emails, chat with my friends, go on YouTube and watch videos, play games online, search for photos and other stuff like that.

  I guess everything, but for me the Internet is mainly about the people on it, meaning here is where my social life is.

  I use the Internet to keep in touch with family members and friends. I use it with my job, I also use it to read the local and national news headlines, read my horoscope daily and to see what TV shows are worth watching tonight or tomorrow.

  3. How did you learn how to use the Internet?

  Everybody was always asking me for my email address, but I didn&apost have one. I went to a website a friend informed me of and created one. Friends kept telling me about different websites to check out. I tried them one by one and discovered that the web has unlimited uses. Finally, I found I was using the Internet almost everyday on my own.

  4. How do you go onto the Internet?

  I like to go out and use the Internet so I don’t feel like I am being lazy. I usually take my laptop to a coffee shop, ask the waitress for the password, and type it in. If I can’t go to a caf�, I just connect to the web at home.

  5. What are the good and bad points about the Internet?

  A good point is that there is a lot of free information. I can easily stay up to date with all that is happening in the world today. A bad point is that it is sometimes hard to decipher between what is fact and what is opinion. One must make sure that the information he or she is receiving is from a reliable source.

  6. Do you think the use of the Internet needs to be controlled?

  Yes, I do. There are a lot of mischi makers in the world that can use the Internet to do evil things. There are hackers that break into people’s computers by use of the Internet with the intent of stealing. Hackers also like to break into government or business sites to disrupt their operations.



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