
2017-08-07 作者: 341阅读

  Part one

  1. Major/work

  Are you studying or working? Do you love your major or job? Why did you choose your major? How was your first day of university、work? how do you feel about training?

  2. Hometown

  Where are you from? Tell me what the most attractive part about your hometown is? Are there any changes happened in your hometown these years? Is it a good place to live in?

  3. Flats & Houses & Cooking & Fruits

  Where are you living, in a flat or a house? What can you see from your flat window? Is there anything which needs to be improved in your flat? How long have you been living in your place? Do you want to move? Do you love eating fruit and vegetables? why? Do you love cooking? explain why. Do you want to learn it? who cooks in your family?

  4. seasons & weather & natural sound & noise & flowers

  which season do you love most? what is the weather like in your hometown? what kind of weather do you love? what kind of natural sound do you love to listen to? how do you feel about noise? do you love flowers?

  5. News/phones/ TV advertisements/ Letters/Cell phones

  Cell phones, E-mails and letters, which ones do you love most? how often do you usually use E-mails? Do you love writing letters? Do kids in China love reading? explain why.Do you love reading magazines? what kind of TV programs do you love watching? do you love watching foreign TV programs? why? How do you feel about those ads on TV?

  6. ***Time & neighborhood relationships & collections

  Do you think time is very important? what is the importance of time? do you wear watch? when do you think time flies and goes slow?how do you get along with your neighbors? do you love collecting things? what do you love collecting? what did you collect when you were little?

  7. music & films & painting

  how do you feel about the phenomenon that parents in china are forcing their kids to learn how to play instruments/learn how to paint? Do you love drawing? why do you think a lot of people love to hang paintings on the walls of their flat? do you love watching films/listening to music? what kind of films/music do you love?where do you love to watch films, at home or in the cinema?

  8. Sports & Swimming &Transportations &Bicycles & driving

  Do you love swimming? Do you want to learn how to swim? What is the most popular sport in China? What is your favorite sport? What are the advantages of riding bicycles in China?What is your favorite transportation? Do you know how to drive? what is the minimum age for people to get a driving license in China?

  9. Shopping & Travelling & Parties &languages

  Do you love shopping? how do you feel about fashion? what kind of clothes do you like to wear?Do you love traveling? what is the meaning of travel? when you hang out, you prer to hang out alone or with your friends? what did you do last weekends? how many languages do you speak? what is the importance of language? is it hard to learn language? are there any good ways to learn language?

  Part two

  A People & Animals

  * A great cook, An artist=A famous person=A foreign celebrity, *A good friend=A family member you want to talk to=*A person who helped you=A family member you lived with=A teacher; A wild animal

  B Objects

  *A piece of electronic equipment you want to buy, A thing you bought with little practical value; A toy in your childhood=An old thing you keep in your family, * A card=A letter=A text message you got=An E-mail; A photo, A thing you DIY=A painting * A statue or a sculpture

  C Events

  * One favorite meal=A party you want to throw=A happy event *A trip that didn&apost go as planned *A piece of advice=A visit you got=An important conversation you had with someone else=A walk you had with your friend; A family but not yours; * An educational visit you made=A performance or a show you watched *A science course you took A healthy lifestyle=A leisure activity=A hiking experience=A picnic you had at a park a thing you did last weekend, An exciting sport; * A piece of good news you got from a phone call

  D places

  *A school you used to go to=A library=A modern building=A shopping centre ; * A museum, A park=A season you love=A place that features water=A city you have been to=A historical attraction=A place you learned something about the past; A flat or a house * A company=your ideal job=your future plan

  E Media

  A TV program you dislike; A well-known story=*A book you read when you are young; A childhood song you love, An article *A law in China=An advertisement=A film you loveA TV program=A magazine



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