雅思口语Part 1话题——Teachers.

2017-08-07 作者: 290阅读

  1. When you were in school (primary school or high school) did any of your teachers have a (strong) influence on you?

  My English teacher. She was very patient and kind and she taught me a lot about tolerance. We still sent Christmas cards to each other every year. She was an inspiration. She was the reason I became a teacher.

  I can’t say if one teacher inspired me greatly. I’ve had a few teachers that were awasome and gave me that little push.

  My 9th grad math teacher Mr. Mara. I always struggled with math. Thanks to him, I went from flunking math to getting A&aposs & B&aposs. Bore that, I thought I was just an idiot. With the right teacher, I discovered that I could do math.

  2. What qualities should a good teacher have?

  They need to be interested in the subject matter they are teaching, care about students, and recognize that not all students learn in the same way, so that they can find multiple ways of explaining the same concept

  A good teacher has patience, listens to the students, makes encouraging comments to the students who seem to struggle either with the work or with emotions.

  3. What do you think of teaching as a job/career/line of work?

  It’s a great job. It also pays well. Rewarding, fulfilling, well respected.

  My sister and a close friend of mine are primary school teachers and it&aposs hard work but it can be fun as well. Vacation time is good.

  I know a lot of people think that doing it will be an easy option, but it is hard work. The holidays are great, but you need them because by the end of term you are like a zombie.

  4. Are teachers in China very strict?

  Yes, for the most part, especially in primary school and middle school, ‘cos in general, strict teachers have a better control over their classes. If a teacher is just nice, students think they can just walk all over them and they won&apost do anything. They just don&apost take the "nice" teacher seriously. But if a teacher is strict, they will have control over their class and actually teach their class.



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