
2017-08-07 作者: 51阅读

  How often do you read the paper or watch the news on TV?



  Sample Answer:

  I’d say not very often. I watch TV but not much news. And newspaper, I just read them occasionally, when I am on the bus or in the subway.

  Where do you usually know news?



  Sample Answer:

  I watch TV after work and I know news there. Usually I watch life channels and music channels and news from them are about daily life or entertainment. I don’t watch news channels often. Sometimes I get online, there is a lot of news there.

  How do people know new products?


  问人们得知新产品的途径和方法, 即现代社会信息传播的途径和工具。

  Sample Answer:

  People know new products mainly through advertisements. Ads are everywhere in our life. When you watch TV or listen to the radio, you find ads between programs, especially TV commercials. Ads are also found in subway and buses.

  What medium are you familiar with?



  Sample Answer:

  Well, I am familiar with TV and Internet. There are printed media like magazines and newspapers, but I like electronic media better.

  5. What are people’s main methods of communication?



  Sample Answer:

  The main methods of communication of people these days are mail, email and telephone. More and more people use email as it is faster and easier than normal mails. I myself often email my friends to catch up with their lives.

  Topic Card Practice

  Sample Answer:

  The magazine that I like most is called Entertainment & Sports. It’s a monthly magazine. It was 2 years ago that I encountered it at a friend’s home. Then I became so into it that I subscribed to it the following year. Here I always get a front row seat for the latest on movies, TV, music, and more, with award-winning news, reviews, and feature stories. Each issue goes behind the scenes to deliver you the buzz, and the best in its Entertainment News every month! The Sports part has all of the inside news you crave about the personalities who fascinate you. Each monthly issue is packed with amazing stories about sports people and their extraordinary lives. It gets you closer to the heart of sports with spectacular action photos and in-depth coverage. It also takes you into the minds and hearts of the players and coaches. With the illustrations, you get into it! When you simply have to know the latest about current hottest celebrities, you simply have to have it. In addition, the paper quality is quite good. I think this is one of the best magazines.

  Part 3

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of advertising?


  Advertising may lead to increased sales, which leads to mass production and therore cheaper prices.

  Advertising informs the consumer about the various products on the market, which leads to a better choice.

  It leads to greater competition and therore better quality and lower prices.

  Lower prices of media in which advertisements appear for example magazines, newspapers, etc.

  Improves standard of living, because consumer goods become more affordable.


  Advertising is expensive and if it fails to increase sales, prices will increase.

  Consumers are tempted to purchase goods and services which they do not really need.

  Advertising can be unethical. Accused by some of promoting sexism and greed.

  Pollution. Billboards can for example dace natural features.

  Leaflets may be thrown away when handed out in public, which adds to pollution


  How often do you read the paper or watch the news on TV?



  Sample Answer:

  I’d say not very often. I watch TV but not much news. And newspaper, I just read them occasionally, when I am on the bus or in the subway.

  Where do you usually know news?



  Sample Answer:

  I watch TV after work and I know news there. Usually I watch life channels and music channels and news from them are about daily life or entertainment. I don’t watch news channels often. Sometimes I get online, there is a lot of news there.

  How do people know new products?


  问人们得知新产品的途径和方法, 即现代社会信息传播的途径和工具。

  Sample Answer:

  People know new products mainly through advertisements. Ads are everywhere in our life. When you watch TV or listen to the radio, you find ads between programs, especially TV commercials. Ads are also found in subway and buses.

  What medium are you familiar with?



  Sample Answer:

  Well, I am familiar with TV and Internet. There are printed media like magazines and newspapers, but I like electronic media better.

  5. What are people’s main methods of communication?



  Sample Answer:

  The main methods of communication of people these days are mail, email and telephone. More and more people use email as it is faster and easier than normal mails. I myself often email my friends to catch up with their lives. 上12下




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