
2017-08-07 作者: 245阅读



  a celebrity not from your country

  An artist

  a TV/radio program presenter

  a family (member/ but not yours)

  a person who has influenced you

  an old person you admire

  a teenager/ a friend in childhood you admire

  a happy person

  a person who you want to spend some time with/ is good at cooking/is good at his/ her job/ you ever helped

  an intelligent person

  a neighbour

  a visitor/ a person you want to visit

  a teacher (in your middle school)

  Objects/ things

  an advertisement

  A performance

  A work of art (sculpture/ painting/)

  something you DIY/ handicraft

  an exciting message (a special letter/a e-mail)

  an old thing in your family

  A book

  A photograph

  An article (from cell phone/ a magazine)

  A thing you bought but seldom used

  A childhood song/ game/ toy/ A book (you enjo as a child)

  an old/well-known story in your culture

  Special Meal/ picnic

  A TV program you like/ didn’t like

  Your ideal job/ vehicle/

  A usul electronic equipment (except computer) in your home

  A animal (domesticated/wild/ threaten)

  A (science/ history) course you’d like to study/ you like in high school

  A website

  your favorite season

  A (good/ interesting) law

  A film /a new skill (a usul way to study a foreign language)


  A tourist attraction (river or lake that you’ve seen or heard about, a place of natural beauty/ with a lot of water)

  A historic site

  An outdoor place for sports

  A garden

  Your favourite part of a city/ your hometown

  Modern building (shopping center/supermarket)

  a library

  a Hotel

  A museum

  a company

  A country/ a city

  A small shop

  A restaurant


  A success/failure in your life

  An importance/enjoyable stage of your life (an important advice you received)

  An interesting lecture or speech

  A (exciting/ healthy) physical activity/ sport

  An impressive conversation

  A party for someone/ a festival

  A group activity you took part in at college

  a public event

  An unexpected journey

  A case you caught in a traffic jam

  A family event

  A journey that didn’t go as well as planned

  A admirable event that your friend did

  A change you’d like to have in the future (of yourself/ hometown)

  a study experience (a usul way to study a foreign language)

  favorite photo

  a company you know about

  your favorite room in your childhood

  a museum

  your lifestyle (介绍自己的生活方式)

  happy event in your childhood (小时候的高兴事)

  unusual experience (一次不寻常经历,介绍旅游,迟到的意外都行的)

  a foreign food you would like to try

  a change you would like to make to improve your fitness or health

  a peacul place (这个与有噪音的地方是正好相反的)

  an adventurous person (一个冒险的人)







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