2017年7月9日雅思口语Part 2&3预测.

2017-08-07 作者: 296阅读


澳际 2011年7月9日雅思口语Part 1预测

慎小嶷 2011年7月雅思口语Part2预测

无忧雅思网 2011年7月9日雅思口语Part2预测

吕晨 2011年7月9日雅思口语Part2&3预测

  下面是2011年7月9日雅思口语Part 2&3预测的详细内容,是由澳际发布的。澳际雅思口语预测下面都有答题思路提示,下面我们就一起来看看这些雅思口语Part 2&3预测的内容,看看对大家有什么帮助。

  雅思口语Part 2&3预测

  1. 描述一位有领导力的朋友

  Describe a friend who you think is a good leader.

  You should say:

  Who he/she is;

  Why do you think he/she is a good leader, please give an example to support your idea;

  How do you know about the job;

  related questions in part 3.

  (1) Who do you think is more likely to be a leader in your country;

  (2) Who usually makes the decisions in your family;

  (3) In China, it seems that men are in the dominant place. Do you think this situation will be changed in the future;

  (4) Do you think that people have same opportunity to make the decision;

  (5) Do you think what the jobs are for our public security?

  (6) Who will be involved in the job related to our public security? Why?

  2. 描述一次特别的家庭聚会

  Describe a special family event.

  You should say:

  What it is about;

  How special is it;

  Why do you remember this event;

  related questions in part 3

  (1) Is there any other similar family event recently?

  (2) the importance of living in a big family; the benit of living with old people;

  (3) are you a good cook?

  3. 描述一件能够让世界变得更美好的工作

  Describe a kind of job that will make the world a better place.

  You should say:

  What the job is;

  why you think it will make the world become better;

  In what way you think the world will become better;

  related questions in part 3.

  (1) are you willing to devote yourself to this job;

  (2) is it possible for you to do this job;

  (3) do you think there is some relations between happiness and work;

  4. 描述你喜欢的衣服类型

  Describe the type of clothes that you like.

  You should say:

  Where do you buy the clothes;

  How often do you buy the clothes;

  How do you choose the clothes;

  related questions in part 3

  (1) do you think it is a good idea to let the students to design the students uniform;

  (2) why don’t some person like to buy the clothes;

  (3) How does the fashionable industry affect people;

  (4) what personality do the clothes display;

  (5) what should we pay attention to when we are dressing ourselves;

  5. 描述一件你买的很贵的东西

  Describe something expensive you bought;

  You should say:

  What it is;

  What the use of this thing is;

  Why you bought this expensive thing;

  related questions in part 3

  (1) why do you think people like to buy expensive things;

  (2) on what stuff do you think people like to spend a lot of money;

  (3) do you think whether electronic product is important in our daily life;

  6. 描述一个你童年去过的有水的地方

  Describe a place near water where you have been to when you were a child.

  You should say:

  Where the place is;

  Why do you remember this place;

  Is the place the same as you remember;

  related questions in part 3

  (1) what is the advantage and disadvantage of living in the place near the water;

  (2) what can we do at the this place;

  (3) how do people make use of the water;

  (4) Is it safe to row a boat on the water;

  7. 倘若给你一段时间让你远离学习或者工作,你会做什么?

  Given a time off work or study,

  You should say:

  where you would go

  what you would do

  who would be together with you

  related questions in part 3

  (1) long holiday & short holiday , what is the advantages and disadvantages respectively;

  (2) do you like long holiday or short holiday;

  (3) what activity will men choose to do in the holiday; what about women; what is the difference;

  8. 描述一次愉悦的电话对话

  Describe an enjoyable conversation on a mobile phone.

  You should say:

  who you talk with

  why you make the phone call

  whether you have achieved the communication goal

  related questions in part 3

  (1) do you often make phone calls to others;

  (2) when do you choose to use the phone;

  (3) as for young people, what is their goal by using the phone; what about the senior people;

  (4) what are the benits to communicate face-to-face;

  (5) what is the disadvantage of mobile phone;

  9. 描述一个外国电影

  Describe a foreign film.

  You should say:

  Why you like this film;

  What it is about;

  The part you like and you dislike; why

  related questions in part 3

  (1) why do people like to watch foreign films;

  (2) compared with foreign film, what is the characteristic of Chinese film;

  (3) what are the advantages and the disadvantages of becoming a film star;

  (4) why do people like to poke the privacy of the film stars;

  10. 描述一个孩子

  Describe a child.

  You should say:

  What he/she looks like

  How you know him/her

  What is his/her characteristic

  related questions in part 3

  (1) what are the advantages and disadvantages of children’s playing PSP game;

  (2) what fect does indoor activities have on children’s growth; what about the outdoor activities; indoor activities and outdoor activities, which is better to children’s development;

  (3) Nowadays, there is only one child in the family, so the parents and the grandparents pay all attention to the single child. Do you think whether this situation has any influence on the children’s growth? What are the difference between grandparents and parents on children rising?

  11. 描述一个休闲中心

  Describe a leisure centre (eg. sports centre or cinema )

  You should say:

  Where is it

  What can you do there

  How the centre looks like

  Explain why you think the centre is popular

  related questions in part 3

  (1) is there any leisure centre or leisure facilities around the place where you live;

  (2) do you think it is important to release your pressure with your classmates or your colleagues;

  (3) do people in your city often go out to relax themselves;

  (4) do you often go out with your family member; do you share the same way to relax;

  12. 描述你的健康问题与健康的生活方式

  Describe your physical health issue and physical healthy lifestyle.

  You should say:

  What change you want to make

  Why you want to make this change

  Is there any physical health issue for you

  Why this issue happens

  How important it is

  related questions in part 3

  Discussion about the relation of healthy food and health.

  (1) is the food containing high calories always bad to our health;

  (2) which do you think is healthier, the takeout and food made by yourself;

  (3) what influence does the healthy lifestyle exert on our life;

  (4) how do parents and teacher cultivate healthy lifestyle;

  (5) what sports are popular among the young people; what about the elder people;

  以上就是由澳际发布的2011年7月9日雅思口语Part 2&3预测的全部内容,内容很多,对于之前比较流行的话题可能涉及到的Part 3的部分都进行了解析,方便大家的口语备考。大家可以在自己的雅思口语备考当中进行适当的参考。最后祝大家考试顺利。

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