雅思口语考试Part 3解题技巧.

2017-08-07 作者: 236阅读

  答好雅思口语考试Part3, 关键要有很强的论证性,因为Part3题目的特点就在于泛围大而广,并且具有一定的深度。比如说雅思口语考试Part3有这样一题:How to keep the balance between developing the tourism industry and protecting the environment? 可见,要想在雅思口语考试Part3有较好的表现,掌握一定技巧是必要的。

  雅思口语考试的Part 3一直都被视为最难的部分。其难点主要有以下三条:

  一)题目的性质从原来较为生活化的Part 1和Part 2转化为Part 3中带有强烈学术意味的考题。比如How does scientific research benit space, medical, environmental and information technologies? 该题问科学研究给现代技术带来怎样的好处。

  二) 很多考题不再注重具体的细节描述或陈述,而转向考察考生的抽象思维能力。比如Does money bring people more happiness or make them less secure? 该题问钱会给人带来幸福,还是使人更不安全。

  三)有相当数量的题目会让考生去对某个话题进行评估(Assessment),特别是利弊方面的评估;还有些考题让你对未来进行猜测(Speculation),让你说10年或20年之后某事物将会怎么样。比如In your opinion, what languages will become more popular in the future? 该题要你猜测将来什么语言会变得流行起来。当然,你还必须说明理由。

  总的来说,Part 3已经超越了日常生活层面,进入到人的深层思维体系之中。它着重的是四样东西:world views(世界观),beli systems(信仰体系),values(价值观),attitudes(态度)。要把这些东西说好,除了平时的语言功底和随机应变的能力以外,考生还需要具备一些人文方面的素养。

  虽然Part 3的问题错综复杂,但根据笔者的教学及实战经验,我们完全可以把所有Part 3的考题分为以下的九个大类,每一大类都含有若干典型的问话套路:

  一)阐述原因(Giving reasons)

  Why do you think …?

  Why is it important to do …

  Do you think …? Why (not)?

  Is it a good idea to (do …)? Why (not)?

  二)预测未来(Providing speculations)

  How do you see … changing in the future?

  Do you think that in the future people will …?

  What do you think will happen to … in the future?

  In your opinion, which/what … will become more … in the future?

  三)描述侧面(Describing various aspects)

  In what ways …?

  What kind/sort/type of …?

  How important is it for … to (do …)?

  How has … changed (in your country) in the last … years?

  四)维护立场(Dending your choice)

  Is it better to (do …) or (do …)?

  Should people always … or is it a good idea sometimes to (do …)?

  Which is more important to you: … or …?

  Which do people in your country prer: … or …?

  五)利用常识(Using your common sense)

  Any yes-no question that involves a clearly positive or negative answer

  Any question that asks you about the roles, responsibilities and general qualities of a social group

  Any question that asks you about common knowledge, everyday experience and traditional culture

  六)提供方案(Offering solutions)

  What can … do to (do …)?

  What can be done to (do …)?

  What do you think is the best way for … to (do …)?

  Are there other ways people can …, apart from …? How?

  七)因果关联(Connecting causes with fects)

  What fect has … had on …?

  How has … affected …?

  Are there any negative fects of … doing …? What are they?

  What do you think causes … to …?

  八)对比异同(Comparing similarities and differences)

  How does … compare with …?

  How do you compare … with …?

  Do you think … was different for your grandparents?

  What are similarities and differences between … and …?

  九)陈述利弊(Illustrating advantages and disadvantages)

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of …?

  What are the different advantages of … and …?

  What do you think their disadvantages are?

  How do people in your country feel about (a controversial issue)?

  从《剑桥雅思》的口语出题风格来看,一般一套口语题的Part 3部分会有6道问题,这一点大家可以参阅《剑一》到《剑七》的真题。下面的这套题从place到travel/tourism再到old buildings/historic buildings,提出了一系列问题:

  Why do you think people like to travel to different places?

  → 第一类:阐述原因(Giving reasons)

  How do you see tourism changing in your country in the future?

  → 第二类:预测未来(Providing speculations)

  Why is it important to protect the countryside?

  → 第一类:阐述原因(Giving reasons)本文

  In what ways is the countryside in danger in your country?

  → 第三类:描述侧面(Describing various aspects)

  Why are historic buildings and monuments important to a city?

  → 第一类:阐述原因(Giving reasons)

  Is it better to keep old buildings, or build new modern ones?

  → 第四类:维护立场(Dending your choice)

  由此可见,任何Part 3的问题都可以归入以上九大类中的某一类。在本系列的后面九讲中,针对每一类问题的特殊性,为大家一一分析破解它们的方法,也希望广大“烤鸭”们能切实利用这些方法来为自己的考场发挥添砖加瓦。

  总的来说,雅思口语考试Part 3作为考试中第三部分,也是最困难的一个部分,所以把握好以上澳际小编总结的雅思口语考试Part 3答题技巧也就非常重要,首先要回答这个问题,其次要适当地扩充答案,这样答题的话雅思口语考试Part 3也就只是同学们的一道“开胃菜”了。


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