
2017-08-07 作者: 305阅读


  It is my personal beli that to increase your IELTS oral score more than good grammar, perfect tense, good fluency and good English usage and understand are needed. I believe that the Examiner is also trying to see your ability to adjust to western culture. As you see more and more questions are being asked concerning opinion, your attitude toward a specific subject etc. It is my beli that the higher scores are attained by the best speakers as well as the best culturally influenced candidates.

  Eye contact is the most important. You should look at the examiner eye to eye. Now if you have any difficulty doing this, look at their noses. That’s right, their noses. Looking at a person’s nose is the same as looking them in the eye.

  Smile. I know it is difficult in this situation, but try at least to smile and express yourself.

  Head movement is also quite important. When you are asked a question by the examiner, if you understand the question, nod your head “yes” and then answer the question to the best of your ability.

  Hand gestures are also very important. Use your hands to make a point etc. Just do not sit in your chair like you are a motionless being, show some enthusiasm.

  Body language is also important. Sit up straight, look at the examiner, smile, use hand motions etc. Do still on the chair like a bad of rice, so some movement, some life in your body.

  The examiner is there to rate your English speaking skills, but they may also be there to evaluate how you might “fit in” to the culture of the country you are planning to move to, so be aware of some of the local customs etc of the country that you are planning to visit. Not that it is just “beautiful” or has clean air. Try to research some of the cultural aspects of the country.


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