
2017-08-07 作者: 334阅读



  如:A. DR Broca

  B. DR Brinkman

  C. Geschwind and Galaburda

  D. Charle Moore

  E. Professor Turner

  1. Human beings started to show a prerence for right-handedness when they first developed language.

  2. Sociaty is prejudiced against lt-handed people.

  3. Boys are more likely to be lt-handed.

  4. After stroke,lt-handed people recover their speech more quickly than right-handed people.

  5. People who suffer strokes on the lt side of brain usually lose their power of speech.

  6. The two sides of the brain develop different functions.

  7. Asymmetry is a common feature of the human body.









  A. the writer’s fear about the Human Genome Project.

  B. other people’s fear about the Project reported by the writer

  C. the writer’s reporting of facts about the Project

  D. the writer’s reporting of the long-term hopes for the Project

  33. The Project will provide a new understanding of major diseases.

  34. All the components which make up DNA are to be recorded and studied.

  35. Genetic monsters may be created.

  36. The correct order and inter-relation of all genetic data in all DNA will be mapped.

  37. Parents will no longer worry about giving birth to dective offspring.

  38. Being “human” may be dined solely in terms of describable physical data.

  39. People may be discriminated against in new ways.

  40. From past experience humans may not use this new knowledge wisely.




  31. required considerable harbour development

  32. began as ports but other facilities later dominated

  33. lost their prominence when large ships could not be accommodated

  34. maintain their business centers near he port waterfront

  A.Bombag and Buenos Aires

  B.Hong Kong and Sadem

  C.Istanbul and Jakara

  D.Madras and Colombo

  E.New York and Bristol

  F.Plymouth and Melaka

  G.Singapore and Yokokama

  H.Suart and London



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