
2017-08-06 作者: 281阅读



  Part 1Your Work or Your Studies

  What do you do (in a typical day) at work?

  Do you like your job?

  Would you like to change your job?

  Do you think you will need to receive any training in the future?

  What job would you like to do in the future?

  Why are you taking the IELTS test?

  Why did you choose that university (or, school)?

  Why do you choose your subject?

  What&aposs your favourite subject at school?

  What&aposs the most difficult part of your course?

  What&aposs the most interesting part of your course (your subject)?

  For you, what&aposs the most interesting part (or subject or class) of your course?

  Do you think it will be easy to find that kind of work?

  Did you like your first day at university?

  Do you think the first day at university is important?

  Your Hometown & Your Accommodation

  Do you live in a house or a flat?

  How long have you lived there?

  Where do you come from?

  Where do you live at the moment?

  What are the benits (or, advantages) of living in a flat/house?

  What&aposs your favourite room in your home? (Why?)

  How do you think your home (your house or your flat) could be improved?

  What is the environment like around your flat/house?

  Is it easy to travel to and from your home?

  Tell me something about your hometown.

  What would you recommend a tourist see in your hometown?

  Do you prer to live in a big city or in the countryside?

  Would you say it&aposs a good place to grow up?

  Would you say that&aposs a good place to live?

  What (other) city would you like to live in (in the future)?

  What&aposs the traffic situation like in your hometown (or, where you are living now)?


  What&aposs the weather (usually) like in your hometown?

  What changes are there between the different seasons in your country?

  What&aposs your favourite season? (Why?)

  Do you usually pay attention to the weather forecasts?

  Does the weather ever affect what you do?

  Do you (or, do people in China) do the same things in the different seasons of the year?


  Do you like cooking?

  Who usually does the cooking in your family (or, in your home)?

  When did you learn how to cook?

  In the future, do you think you will be cooking more than you do now, or less? (Why?)


  Do you like animals?

  What&aposs your favourite animal?

  Are people in your country fond of animals?

  Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?


  Do you like (to play/to do) any sports?

  What sports are most popular with young people today?

  Did you take part in any (organized) sport in school?

  Do you think sport is important?

  Are there any sports facilities near where you live?

  In the future, what sports would you like to play?


  What food did you like to eat when you were a child?

  Do you still like that food now?

  Do you think it&aposs good to (often) take children to restaurants?


  Did you collect anything when you were a child?

  Do you still collect them now?

  Why do you think people like collecting things?

  If you had a lot of money, what would you like to collect?


  What types of films do you like?

  Do you prer to watch films at home or in a cinema?

  Are there any types of films that you dislike?

  What kinds of films did you like to watch when you were a child?


  Do you like to recieve letters or E-mails?

  Who always sends you E-mails?

  What difficulties do you have when you read your E-mails?


  What color do you usually wear?

  What would be the color of your future house?

  What is the color most people in your city or your country like?


  Do you like reading books?

  What kinds of books do you like to read?

  When you were young, what books made the greatest impression on you?

  What do you think are the benits of reading to children?

  Would you like to write a book?

  Would you like to receive a book as a gift?


  Have you ever travelled by plane?

  How do you feel about travelling by plane?

  Are you going to travel by plane in the future?

  Where would you like to go?

  Is vocation important?

  What do you do on vocation?

  Do you like to be alone or with your family on vocation? Why?

  Part 2&3Place

  Describe a hotel.

  Do hotels help to stimulate the economy?

  Describe a place that help you learn sth about the past

  Should high school students learn history? How?

  Describe a town that changes quickly

  Describe a place where you usually have lunch.

  How do restaurants attract people?

  Describe a place you visited where you learned something

  Why do people build museums?

  What are they used for?

  Why don&apost some people want to visit museums?

  Describe a modern building that you think is interesting.

  Do you prer old buildings or modern buildings?

  What do you think are the advantages of modern buildings over old buildings?

  Do you think the (outside) appearance of a building is important?

  Do you think government buildings should be more practical than attractive?

  Do you think interesting modern buildings can be used to attract tourists?

  What facilities do you think modern cities should have?

  Describe a place you go to that has a lot of noise.

  What noises can we hear in a city?

  Do you think noise (ever) has any benits?

  Do you think noise can be considered to be a form of pollution?

  What harm can noise do to people&aposs health?

  How do you suggest this noise could be controlled?

  What do you think the government should do about excessive noise?

  Object/ Thing

  Describe a subject in secondary or high school you were interesting with

  what is the subject,

  what is the teacher look like

  how long you have been study.

  why do you love it?

  What is different in study between high school and college?

  Who guided your study while you were studying in high school?

  Do senior people need to keep study? Why?

  Should the goverment encourage the senior people to keep learning? Why?

  Describe something that is broken at your home.

  Describe something you usually use at home(except computers)

  Describe a lunch.

  What is healthy food?

  What are the differences of the food that young people and old people like?

  Decribe a time when you learn something new with a computer

  Describe an interesting job.

  What benits does a company normally provide its employees?

  Describe a type of music that you like.


  What type of music do Chinese people like?

  In what ways do Chinese people listen to music?

  Compare the differences between the music younger and older people enjoy.

  Do music company make music for money?

  Do people become a singer because it is their dream?

  Why do many people want to be singers?

  Describe a book you liked to read in your childhood.

  Describe an exciting message.

  Was it from phone or email

  What was it about

  What did you do after you received it

  How are younger people and older people different in receiving messages?

  Is it easy to talk to the elderly?

  Is it easy to communicate with teachers?

  Do teachers need communication skills?

  Describe a traditional story.

  Describe a law.

  Is it difficult to become a policeman?

  Should policemen bear guns?

  Are men more suitable to become police than women?

  Are lawyers respected?

  What makes a good lawyer?

  When do people need laws?

  Describe a practical skill.

  Describe a news you received via phone or email.

  What are the differences between young and old people&aposs communication method?

  Which one is more fecient, face to face communication or text massaging?

  What are the advantages of communication technology?

  Is communication skill important? Why?

  Describe a quiz show.

  Describe something you are good at.

  Is talent important for learning things?

  who can help children learn?

  Do the young or the old learn better? Why?

  Describe some holiday you celebrite in your culture.

  Should young people keep the tradition?Why?

  Why should people remain the cultural diversity?

  Describe something good you have done for your health.

  Describe a job you want to try.

  How do people usually look for jobs?

  What are the differences of the ways that students and working people find jobs?

  What is the biggest obstacle when people look for jobs?


  Describe a walk with a friend that you remember.

  What are the benits of walking?

  How do you think people could be encouraged to walk more?

  Describe a festival.

  Which is more important, the traditional festival or the festival from other countries?

  Are people responsible of telling children about the traditions?

  What are the changes in Chinese festivals?

  Describe a long journey

  Where did you go in the last long journey?

  Why did you go there?

  Who did you go with?

  How did you go there?

  What if people become homesick when travelling?

  Do you think people would be increasingly interested in travelling?


  Describe a famous person.

  Do celebrities have enough privacy?

  Describe a successful person

  How do successful people balance their family and work?

  Who would you like to be friend with, the elderly, the people of your parents&apos age, or your peers?

  Describe a friend you&aposve known for a long time.

  Which is better, old friends or new friends?

  Describe your favourite TV program or radio presenter

  Who he/she is

  which program he/she presents

  is he or she good at the job

  Describe a host you like.

  Describe an artist you admire.

  Describe an artistic person.

  Describe a famous foreign person you would like to meet

  Why would people want to be famous?

  How does fame influence them?

  How would they change after being famous?




  Part 1Your Work or Your Studies

  What do you do (in a typical day) at work?

  Do you like your job?

  Would you like to change your job?

  Do you think you will need to receive any training in the future?

  What job would you like to do in the future?

  Why are you taking the IELTS test?

  Why did you choose that university (or, school)?

  Why do you choose your subject?

  What&aposs your favourite subject at school?

  What&aposs the most difficult part of your course?

  What&aposs the most interesting part of your course (your subject)?

  For you, what&aposs the most interesting part (or subject or class) of your course?

  Do you think it will be easy to find that kind of work?

  Did you like your first day at university?

  Do you think the first day at university is important?

  Your Hometown & Your Accommodation

  Do you live in a house or a flat?

  How long have you lived there?

  Where do you come from?

  Where do you live at the moment?

  What are the benits (or, advantages) of living in a flat/house?

  What&aposs your favourite room in your home? (Why?)

  How do you think your home (your house or your flat) could be improved?

  What is the environment like around your flat/house?

  Is it easy to travel to and from your home?

  Tell me something about your hometown.

  What would you recommend a tourist see in your hometown?

  Do you prer to live in a big city or in the countryside?

  Would you say it&aposs a good place to grow up?

  Would you say that&aposs a good place to live?

  What (other) city would you like to live in (in the future)?

  What&aposs the traffic situation like in your hometown (or, where you are living now)?


  What&aposs the weather (usually) like in your hometown?

  What changes are there between the different seasons in your country?

  What&aposs your favourite season? (Why?)

  Do you usually pay attention to the weather forecasts?

  Does the weather ever affect what you do?

  Do you (or, do people in China) do the same things in the different seasons of the year?


  Do you like cooking?

  Who usually does the cooking in your family (or, in your home)?

  When did you learn how to cook?

  In the future, do you think you will be cooking more than you do now, or less? (Why?)


  Do you like animals?

  What&aposs your favourite animal?

  Are people in your country fond of animals?

  Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?


  Do you like (to play/to do) any sports?

  What sports are most popular with young people today?

  Did you take part in any (organized) sport in school?

  Do you think sport is important?

  Are there any sports facilities near where you live?

  In the future, what sports would you like to play?



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