
2017-08-06 作者: 215阅读


  Part 1

  Your Work or Your Studies

  What do you do (in a typical day) at work?

  Do you like your job?

  Would you like to change your job?

  Do you think you will need to receive any training in the future?

  What job would you like to do in the future?

  What subjects are you studying?

  Why did you choose that subject?

  What school (or university) do you go to?

  How do you like your subject?

  What&aposs your favourite subject at school?

  What&aposs the most difficult part of your course?

  What&aposs the most interesting part of your course (your subject)?

  For you, what&aposs the most interesting part (or subject or class) of your course?


  Please describe your home a little.

  How do you think your hometown could be improved?

  Where do you come from?

  What would you recommend a tourist see in your hometown?

  Would you say it&aposs a good place to grow up?

  Would you say that&aposs a good place to live?

  What&aposs the traffic situation like in your hometown (or, where you are living now)?


  What color do you like?

  Do you often wear the clothes in the color you like?

  What color would you paint on the wall of your home?


  Do you like cooking?

  Who usually does the cooking in your family (or, in your home)?

  When did you learn how to cook?

  In the future, do you think you will be cooking more than you do now, or less? (Why?)


  Do you like animals?

  What&aposs your favourite animal?

  Are people in your country fond of animals?

  Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?


  Do you like (to play/to do) any sports?

  What sports are most popular with young people today?

  Did you take part in any (organized) sport in school?

  Do you think sport is important?

  Are there any sports facilities near where you live?

  In the future, what sports would you like to play?


  What food did you like to eat when you were a child?

  Do you still like that food now?

  Do you think it&aposs good to (often) take children to restaurants?


  what kind of movie do you like, why?

  how often do you watch a movie?

  where do you prer to watch movie, cinema or home, why?


  do you like sea?

  how often do you go near the sea?

  what people usually do when they near sea?

  why people like sea?

  do you like have a house or apartment near sea, why?


  Are there many (or, any) museums in your hometown?

  Do you often visit a museum?

  Did you go to museums when you were younger?

  When was the last time you visited a museum?

  Do you think museums are important?

  Do you think museums should sell things to visitors?


  Do you like dancing?

  Have you ever learned to dance?

  When was the last time you danced?

  Do you like to watch dance performances?

  Why do you think some people like to dance?


  Do you like reading books?

  What kinds of books do you like to read?

  When you were young, what books made the greatest impression on you?

  What do you think are the benits of reading to children?

  Would you like to write a book?

  Would you like to receive a book as a gift?

  Daily routine

  What do you do mainly do with your time?

  What is the best part of the day for you? (Why?)

  When do you do most of your study?

  Would you like to change your daily routine?

  Part 2&3


  Describe a modern building that you think is interesting.

  Do you prer old buildings or modern buildings?

  What do you think are the advantages of modern buildings over old buildings?

  Do you think the (outside) appearance of a building is important?

  Do you think government buildings should be more practical than attractive?

  Do you think interesting modern buildings can be used to attract tourists?

  What facilities do you think modern cities should have?

  Describe a restaurant

  How can a restaurant attract more costumers?

  What kinds of restaurants are more popular in China?

  Which is more popular, fast food of traditional food?

  Describe a hotel

  Describe a peacul/harmonious/noisy place you go to.

  What are the benits of being alone?

  What noises can we hear in a city?

  Do you think noise (ever) has any benits?

  Do you think noise can be considered to be a form of pollution?

  What harm can noise do to people&aposs health?

  How do you suggest this noise could be controlled?

  What do you think the government should do about excessive noise?

  Describe a place with water.

  Describe a river.

  Describe an ideal house.

  Describe a historical place.

  Describe a beautiful place.

  Describe a zoo.

  Describe a cinema.

  Describe a long journey.

  Object/ Thing

  Describe a well-known story from your country.

  Why do you think (little) kids like listening to stories?

  Describe a quiz show you watch on TV that you are interested in attending.

  Is quiz show popular in China?

  Why young people do not like quiz shows?

  Are there many competitions in everyday life?

  Some people say that competition has some disadvantages. Do you agree?

  Do you think that people are born to be competitive?

  Describe a vehicle

  part3:public transportation

  Describe the type of books you prer

  Why do you enjoy reading this type?

  What kinds of books do people of your age like to read?

  What books do the elderly and young like to read? Why do they like different books?

  What do you think of reading online?

  Describe an interesting job you hear

  what is it? where do you hear this job? whether you want to do this job in the future?

  Compared to the past, what&aposs the differences of the condition of workplace currently?

  Do you think it is reasonable that different people get different amount of salary?

  Do you think that people should get the same income?

  What can a good employer provide to his employees in addition to salary?

  Describe a usul piece of (electrical) equipment that you often use at home

  Are there any of those that you think are not very important?

  What do you think are the benits of using modern equipment and devices (in the home)?

  Do you agree that older people have difficulties in using modern equipment?

  How can we help elderly people to use these modern devices?

  Describe something healthy to the environment you would recommend

  What do you think are the differences between healthy food and &aposjunk food&apos?

  What things do you think people in China need to do in order to improve their health?

  Do you think modern people do enough regular exercise?

  Do you think it&aposs important for children to learn about a healthy lifestyle?

  Do you think the media can play a role in educating people about health?

  Do you think it&aposs a good idea for employers to encourage their employees to live a healthy life?

  How can employers do that?

  Describe a sport/an outdoor activity.

  Describe a gift for another person/you received.

  Describe a precious gift.

  Describe a film you have recently seen.

  What kind of movie is popular in China? Why?

  What is the difference between Chinese movie and foreign movies?

  What do you learn from watching movies?

  Do you think it is important for a movie to be advertised?

  If foreign movies without advertisement, will it still be so success?

  Do you think a movie will be success without advertisement? If yes, why?

  What kind of people prer to watch foreign movies than Chinese Movies in China? Why?

  What is the difference between Chinese and Foreign movies?

  Describe a job you would like to do

  what is the job, what do you need to do this job, where do you want to do this job, why do you want to do this job.

  Is it difficult to find a job?

  In what ways do people to find job?

  What kind of people employers need, and why?

  What skills do people need to find a job?

  Which is better, go to society bore university or go to university directly?

  Do schools help students to find jobs?

  Do you think school do enough for students to find jobs, why?

  Describe a knowledge quiz TV show you would like to take part in.

  Describe a TV program.

  Describe a broken thing or a thing stopped working

  Compare the quality of goods in the past and now

  Discussion about second hand things

  Describe a special skill that was usul to you.

  Describe something you friend did and you admired him/her for that?

  What type of people do the young admire? Why?

  What influences do the young have if they admire someone?

  Do people admire different people at different ages?

  Describe an exciting message that you received bore

  --what was the message about?

  --where did you receive the message from?

  --who gave you the message?

  --When you received the message, what was your response?

  --Why do you think the message is exciting?

  Do you think communication is important for people?

  Where do you think communication skills is usul?

  do you think speaking and writing are both communication skills?

  are they both important?

  What kind of things do think that can be communicated to the public?

  Do you think advertise to public is usul?

  Describe a new law.

  Describe something expensive you bought bore

  Describe a well known story

  What kind of stories children like?

  Why do children like listening to the same stories again and again?

  Are historical stories important?

  Describe a photograph.

  Describe the subject you like.

  Describe a naughty thing you did when you were little.

  Describe some food from other countries.

  Describe your favourite sport/hobby.

  Describe a project you work with others.

  Describe a lie.


  Describe a walk with a friend that you remember.

  What are the benits of walking?

  How do you think people could be encouraged to walk more?

  Describe some changes you want to make for your physical fitness & health

  Part 3: about sports and diets.

  Describe an important occasion when you are late.

  ---what happen...why are you late...the result...

  Are you always late?

  Do you think the time is slower than bore?

  When people will think the time pass slowly?

  Do you think the modern technology can help people save time?

  Someone says the modern technology today kill people more time?

  Why do people think they are under great pressure if people have more spare time?

  When are people late?

  What do you think of the people who are late because of a bad mood?

  When does being late cause serious problems?


  Describe a TV or radio presenter

  What skills does a person need to be a TV or radio presenter?

  What are some differences between a radio presenter and a TV presenter?

  Describe a teacher you had when you were a child and who you liked

  Do many young people in your country want to teachers?

  What would cause more people to want to be teachers?

  What do you think is the most important quality that a good teacher should have?

  Do you think there are any differences between male and female teachers?

  Do you think it&aposs possible for school students to become friends with (their) teachers?

  Describe a good friend of yours.

  when did you know each other? How did you feel at the first sight? How do you contact? Why do you become friends?

  Describe a high quality teacher/a teacher you had when you were younger.

  What qualities should a teacher have?

  How does Chinese government do to keep the good teachers?

  What is the importance of being a teacher?

  If students don’t like one teacher, can we call him/her a good teacher?

  Describe a teacher you want to see again

  Describe a family (not your own) that you enjoy a good time with

  Who? How? What?

  Describe a successful person.

  Describe someone you helped.

  Describe an adventurous person.

  Describe someone who influenced you.

  Describe a family member you admire.

  Describe a friend with great leadership.

  Describe a relative who impresses you most.

  Describe a foreigner that speaks different language form you.


  Describe a wild animal



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