2017年3月9日雅思口语机经Part 2&3.

2017-08-06 作者: 196阅读

  下面是2013年3月9日雅思口语机经Part 2&3考题的分析,并对其中的部分重点题目进行了详细的分析,尤其是各类答题的技巧进行了总结,后面附有对今后雅思口语考试的趋势分析。这些内容对大家的备考帮助是非常大的,大家一起来看看吧,特别是对于马上要参加雅思考试的同学,结合雅思口语机经被考试比较合适的。

Part 2&3考题总结
考题总结: 1.��� A teenager you know Part3 What is your attitude towards young and older people? What is the responsibility of young people? Is the life of young people comfortable? What are differences between teenagers and children? Are there any differences between teenagers and adults? 2.��� A friend you made when you met the first time Part3 Is it possible for you to make friends with people that you meet the first time? How to make friends? How do you get in touch with your friends? How do you maintain your friendship with your friends? Who do you spend more time with, your friends or family? Are there any disadvantages of contacting old friends? Are you willing to upload your personal information online? Would you like to have several friends or lots of friends? What makes the friendship last a lifetime? 3.��� Describe a parent Part3 How do working parents take care of their kids? What are the differences on taking care of children between men and women? What do children care most about their parents? 4.��� A polite person Part3 Are there other polite manners in your country? Being polite is regarded more important in the countryside than in the city? Will being polite be important in future? Should the school teach students to be polite/respect others? 5.��� A person who does an important job Part3 What are the standards for you to choose jobs? Who do you often consult with? What attitude should people hold towards the job? If the employees are upset with their work, what is the boss supposed to do? Why some people change jobs? 6.��� A good neighbor you once had Part3 What are the qualities of a good neighbor? How is the neighborhood in China? What are the influences of neighborhood on children? What sort of neighborhood is benicial to children? What sport facilities can improve communication among people? 7.��� Describe a library Part3 What are the benits of the library? Do you think it is good for children to go to the library? Do you often go to the library? What elders benit more than children from going to the library? DO you think the library tends to be more important now? Do people nowadays prer to go to the library or to surf on the Internet? Should government provide an access to everyday to use the library? Are there many students studying in the school library? 8.��� Describe a perfect house you have visited Part3 Do you like designing houses? Do you think you can do it better than designers? Will you hang your own works or the works from famous artists on your wall? What kinds of houses do most of young people like to live in? How about elders? What living environment is the most attractive to elders? What factors we should consider when we buy a house? How important is the location of a house to Chinese people/ elders/ young people? Do you think more traditional houses should be built in China? 9.��� Describe a room where you want to spend a lot of time Part3 Do you prer larger rooms or smaller rooms? What are the differences? Are larger rooms the symbol of the social status? What do you want to fill in a room? What factors do we need to consider when we decorate the room? How to make a room pleasant? What impact can the reception area of a company make on its clients? Is the office arrangement vital? 10.�Describe a crowed place Part3 What do you think about individual travel? What are the pros and cons of package tour? 11.�Describe a park/garden Part3 What is the importance of the park to the general public? Should children often visit the park? What do people often do in the garden? Do you think the government should invest money in setting up public gardens? Why/Why not? Do you prer private gardens or public gardens? What are the differences between them? 12.�Describe an important city in your country(A city/town you have visited/would like to visit) Part3 Do you like living in the countryside? Do you prer to live in the city or countryside? What are the differences between the city and village life? What changes have taken place in the place? What are the problems in the city? Is the crime serious in the city? How to solve it? 13.�Describe your favorite cafe/restaurant Part3 What sorts of people like drinking tea? Why drinking coffee is popular in China now? What are the differences between the cafe and restaurant? What social activities are viable at home? 14.�Describe a book you have read/you want to read again Part3 What books would children like to read? Is it good to read bore going to school? What should parents do to help them? What do you think about reading for pleasure? What are the differences among different libraries? What should be a library equipped with? Should be the electronic equipment included? What should people benit from the library? Can electronic equipments take place of books in future? A lot of American Indian can not read, but it is reported that every one could do in China, what do you think about it? Do people like reading books in the native language or a foreign language? Why do you like reading books in foreign languages? What are the differences between them? Are men and women different from each other on books they like reading? Should the history be respected when the books are adapted? What do you think about adapting books into movies? What makes feel that the adaptation is a failure? 15.�Describe an interesting speech or talk you enjoyed Part3 Do you like speeches? Is the talk about children’s education important? Why is it difficult to communicate with kids? Are visual aids necessary when we make the presentation? What are qualities of a lecturer? 16.�Describe a plant you like/ are familiar with Part3 Is What fruit trees are available in China? Is it good for us to plant vegetables? Is being a farmer easy? Are farmers satisfied with their job? Why is fertilizer used in agriculture? Is agriculture playing an important role in China? How to stir their interest in farming? What is people’s attitude towards farmers nowadays? What practical applications can be observed in the development of agriculture in China? 17.�Describe a toy you used to play with Part3 What sorts of toys are popular now in China? What changes have taken place in toys from the past to now? What are the differences on toys for boys and girls? Will these toys remain popular in future? 18.�Describe a present you gave to your friend/ you received Part3 What are presents usually given in China? Which situation is suitable to give a present? What is the present you’d like to receive? Would you like to be a giver or receiver? Is present giving important? Is it different to send gifts made by yourself or you buy? What do we need to pay attention to when we send gifts to children? Should we send gifts which are educational to children? Who tends to be happier when receiving a gift, children or adults? What influence does the advertisement make on choosing gifts? What if the child does not like your gift? 19.�Describe a film/book about future/ related to a real person Part3 Who do you want to recommend this film to? What makes the actors/actresses successful in the performance? What people or events are usually rerred in this type of film? Why do people like watching films about the politicians? What’s your impression on the characters in cartoon films? Will they take place of the real actors/actresses? Do you think the documentary tells us the truth? Can people learn more about the historical event or people through documentaries? Does the big name influence the box office of the movie? What do you think about the ranking system in the movie industry? Will children be influenced by the violence in the movies? 20.�Describe a TV program that you watch regularly Part3 What kinds of TV programs are Chinese people keen on? How many hours do Chinese people spend on watching TV one day an average? Do you prer to watch movies at home or in the cinema? Why do people like watching movies on TV? Do you think the cinema will disappear someday? Why elderly people don’t like going to the cinema? Do you think that people will be isolated from the society if they indulge themselves into the TV program? Are there too many Sports TV programs on TV? What are their advantages and disadvantages? What is the importance of international TV program? What are the differences between Chinese and foreign TV programs? Should parents supervise the time that children spend watching TV? What are the changes of the TV program in China in recent years? 21.�Describe a meaningful song Part3 What sort of music is the most popular in your country? Are there any changes in the music that people like? When should children start to learn music? Is it good and necessary? Do your parents or older generation in your family like the same music as you? Compare the differences on the music that your parents older generation and you. Why? Do you think your parents or grandparents would like children’s songs that you like? 22.�Describe an advertisement that made you want to buy the products Part3 What are the influences that advertisements make on people’s life? What do you think about advertisements? What is the importance of the media? 23.�Describe a game not a sport you used to play when you were a child Part3 What sorts of games are children keen on playing now? Are there any differences on games between now and in the past? Is designing games benicial to children? What are the differences between indoor and outdoor games? What are the advantages? Which one do you prer? Should students do some exercises after studying? Do adults like the same games as children? What are the differences? 24.�Describe a special meal you had Part3 What is the importance of having a get-together to Chinese people? How do Chinese people behave in a get-together party? What do you think about that many people prer sitting in front of TV rather than going out to have a get-together? What are the differences on Chinese meals between the past and now? 25.�Describe your favorite food Part3 Do you think the agriculture influences our health? Will the agriculture affect people’s diet in future? 26.�Describe a vehicle(car)want to own or you would like to buy Part3 What are advantages and disadvantages of the bicycle? Is it dangerous to ride the bicycle? What do you think about the motorcycle? Why people long for cars? What do you think about car advertisements? What are pros of public transport? Advantages and disadvantages of subways and buses. What causes the traffic jam? Do you think your friends would like to buy the car you described? 27.�Describe a piece of clothes you like best Part3 Do you like shopping for clothes? What do Chinese people often wear on official occasions? Are there any differences on wearing between women and men? What are advantages and disadvantages of shopping online? What is the influence of changes in fashion on clothes manufacturing industry? 28.�Describe something you bought that you were not satisfied with/ An unsatisfied shopping experience Part3 What products are Chinese young people into? Why do people buy foreign goods? Do you think foreign goods are good? Why don’t think Chinese goods are good? Why the foreign goods tend to be more popular in the importing country? What are the differences between Chinese and Japanese products? Is I-phone the necessity for a student? What are the benits of shopping online? Do you often shop online? How to avoid customers being cheated by the merchant? What impact has shopping online made on people’s life? Compare shopping online with shopping in the real store .Can shopping online lead more workers that work in real shops to lose their jobs? What is the development of logistics in China? 29.�Describe a usul equipment but not computer Part3 Which one is more significant to us, the laundry machine or the TV set? What are changes on housework and cleaning nowadays? Do you think it is essential for us to know cooking? Do children need to do household chores? Can you give me some comments about the new trash can? 30.�Describe a usul website Part3 What do you think about the internet? What do different age groups of people do on the internet?�What is people’s life like with/ without the internet? What are the differences between young people and elders on surfing on the Internet? 31.�Describe an important message Part3 Do you think communication skills are important? Does the way people from different age groups communicate vary? In what way people normally communicate with each other? Do you think letters would be replaced by e-mails in future? On what occasions formal speak should be proper? 32.�Describe a group project you took part in/ an activity in a group Part3 What is the importance of teamwork? What can you benit from teamwork?�Should children take part in some group activities? Is it good to take part in some group activities? What kinds of group activities are popular in your country? Do people at the age of your mother like group activities? Why some people like group activities while some other people don’t? 33.�Describe an unusual/ideal job you could do Part3 What are the standards for Chinese people to choose a job? What kind of jobs is the most attractive in China? What kinds of jobs are less attractive? What kinds of jobs are enough paid in China? What kind of jobs do you think should be highly paid? What comes first at work, being happy or getting more salary? What about the working environment and interpersonal relationship? Nowadays do women are conducting different types of jobs? Why do some people often change their jobs? What do you think about changing jobs? What are the differences between men and women on jobs? Why? 34.�Describe a science course in secondary or high school Part 3: Do most of students like science courses? Are girls and boys both interested in science courses? Why do we need to study science courses? What do you think about the science study in Chinese education? Do you think boys do better than girls in science study? 35.�A Mathematics lesson you attended in primary school Part3 Some people think math classes are boring, what do you think? Chinese students are pretty good at mathematics, do you think it will influence your future career? 36.�Describe the thing you learnt from a family member Part3 What important skills can parents teach their children? What children can learn from staying with their parents? What do you think about family education in comparison with the one at school? What role do parents and grandparents play in children’s development? What are characteristics of a successful person? Are there any differences on children’s education between strict parents and relaxed ones? 37.�Describe a wrong decision made by someone Part3 Are there any differences on making decisions between the past and now? Should children be given more opportunities to make their own decisions? What decisions does the family make? What decisions are important? Are there changes in the way the family makes decisions? 38.�Describe an enjoyable lesson/training session you had Part3 Do you think elderly people should continue studying? Is it important for elders to learn some skills? Do you think school courses should be fun? What are qualities of a good teacher responsible for the primary education? How should the school develop children’s sociability? What is the importance of education to adults? Do you think the adult education should be free? Should the government pay for it? Is the interest in a subject important to our study? Should we power off our cell phones in the public? 39.�Describe a second language not English you want to learn Part3 Why are Chinese people learning English but not using it? Except English and Chinese, what is the most popular language that children are learning in your country? How many languages do you support children to learn? Is living in a country the best way to learn its language? How to study a language very well? What do you think is a good way to learn a language? Why do Chinese students learn a second language? 40.�Describe a happy marriage You should say: who they are, how they met, how they maintain their marriage and explain why they are happy Part3 What is the wedding like in your country? What do the bride and groom normally do on the wedding day? What is the suitable age for people to get married? Are there any changes on the age between in the past and now for people to get married? When will you get married? Do you think it is reasonable to spend a lot of money on the wedding party? What roles do a man and a woman play in the marriage? What are the responsibilities of married men and women? Will they exchange their roles in the marriage in future? 41.�something you did recently that made you relaxed Part3 Are there any differences among different people on the way to relax? How do other people relax?�What is the importance of relaxation to us? What are the differences between now and in the past in relaxation? Do you think the leisure time for people will get shorter or longer in the future? What do you think about the fact that some people ignore to relax due to their jobs? 42.�A future plan not related to your work or studies Part3 What do you think about the day-to-day plan? �How to plan your day? What do people often make plans for? On what occasions do we often make plans? Are they important? How do plans benit our future careers? How do people plan their life? What plans should children make? Why are parents eager to make their children get good jobs? Is high salary important to a job? 43.�Describe a recent change in your life Part3 what do you think about changes? What is the positive influence of changes on people? What are the disadvantages of changes? Do children like changes? What do parents do to make their children adapt to changes? 44.�Describe what you were late for Part3 What are the cons of being late? Would you mind if others were late? What do you think about being punctual? What is young people’s& elders’ attitude towards being late? Do people from different countries hold different standards of punctuality? Why? Are people getting busier nowadays? What may be caused if we don’t spend enough time with families? Do you think it will get worse or improved in future? 45.�Describe a happy event /an unforgettable event/journey you had in your childhood Part3: what was important to you in your childhood? What made you happy? What often made you sorrow? What do you think about the fact that lots of people like to take photos to memorize the past? Do songs and music help us to recall the good memories in the childhood? Where do you often pay a visit to? What kind of travelling do you like? What is the most popular/expensive travelling? What sort of travelling will be popular in future? 46.�Describe a vacation 47.�The experience that you helped others 48.�Describe a sport event you took part in or watched on TV Part3 Do you know any famous Chinese athletes? Who is your idol? What factors do you think contribute to the success of an athlete? What do they often do after they retire?What type of sports is the most popular in China? Do you often watch domestic sport events or international ones? What can we benit from holding international sport games? Are there any disadvantages? 49.�Describe a performance you enjoyed watching Part3 What kinds of performances are popular in China? Why? Do you think the government should invest money in traditional performances? Are there any differences on the performing form between men and women? �What dances do they like respectively? What do you think about Beijing opera? Should kids learn dancing? What is the importance of TV programs to the art? Are there many traditional performances in the TV program? How should the Television Station select performances? 50.�Describe a historical/traditional event in your country Part3 What makes people historical in your country? Have you ever learned history in your childhood? Do you think it is important for us to learn history? How can we learn the historical event? What do you think about the comments of historic persons? What’s its importance? Should the museum open to the public for free or not? What stuff may be displayed in the museum in the future? Are traditional clothes or food still attractive to young people in your country? More and more Chinese people are celebrating western festivals, do you agree with that? What do you think about it?
本次考试考题精选范例解析以及技巧表达: 1. 情感程度分化级别,爱憎分明 在口语表达过程中,一个地道的native speaker非常擅长吸引与其交流者的注意力,因为他能够让自己的喜恶表达的淋漓尽致。而相反的是,中国考生大多表现为一个没有任何感情的机器人,口语表达如白开水,没有影响力和表现力,实在让考官很难给出一个高的分数。 Sample Question What’s the influence that the advertisements make on people? 很多烤鸭们当下的反应就是厌恶,因为广告更多的是让我们头疼,它无处不在,严重误导了部分消费者。不过这样的思路很显然是不充分的,考官给的分数也只能是一半。我们不能忽略的是,广告对我们来说不仅是有消极的影响,更多的是积极的影响。 Sample Answer There is no doubt that the Advertisement has made both positive and negative influence on our life. Advertisements communicate the functions and service of goods with consumers with the creative theme and fantastic animation, especially some successful commercial ones. But I have to say that some advertisements do make people sick. The manufacturers make the false claim about the qualities and fects of products, which mislead a proportion of consumers to purchase the products. 2. 抽象性问题,具体实例明朗化 众所周知,雅思口语第三部分的问题大多是比较宏观或者抽象的,在没有充分的考虑时间的基础下,很多烤鸭们的回答是很直面的,或者是直击问题去回答,可是鉴于词穷和对于特别领域的理解欠缺,烤鸭们只能边讲边绞尽脑汁想词汇或者想法,导致流利性差,词不达意,越抹越黑,所以对于多数烤鸭们来说这个部分是整个雅思口语考试的拦路虎。 Sample Question Do you think it is important to be polite? 关于politeness的问题确实是很多烤鸭们的心头之痛,因为礼节是一个比较宽泛的问题,所以很多烤鸭们不知道从何开始说起,或者一直想表达礼貌是多么的重要,可是往往词不达意。在这里我们可以拿出很多生活中的小事去证明礼貌的重要性。 Sample Answer Yeah, positive. Politeness is a matter of etiquette. It lies in many small things in our daily life. For example, turning off the cell phone in a meeting, or giving seats away to the elder shows our polite manner. To be polite is a big rlection of who you are and how you treat and value people around you. It makes them feel very comfortable and respected. And what’s more, as the golden rule says, treat people the way you want to be treated. In my perspective, our politeness makes our life easier and more meaningful.
雅思口语趋势分析和备考指导 从3月9日的雅思口语考题来看,我们可以很明显的看出高频率话题还是备受考官青睐和追捧的,大部分的话题是今年1月份出现的新题,比如说第一部分的boat, building, concentration, sleep time, countryside, news等,第二部分出现的a performance, a second language, a speech/lecture, a crowded place, a training session, a game not a sport you used to play等等。当然也出现了题库中比较久没有考的老题, a toy you used to play with, an advertisement, a usul website, an important message, a piece of clothes就是比较典型的。当然这些话题的难度系数是不低的,因为仔细揣摩我们会发现,这些话题似乎都和文艺和口才表达相关,充分体现了雅思口语考试的特色。比如之前考的比较热的a talkative person/ a person you enjoyed talking with, 演变为现在的表演秀,演讲等等,第三部分也在狂轰滥炸地提问传统艺术,口才交流能力,礼貌待人的重要等。所以在准备接下来几个月参加雅思口语考试的烤鸭们一定要注意对于这些话题的准备和熟悉,方能达到事半功倍。

  以上就是关于2013年3月9日雅思口语机经Part 2&3的分析内容,对其中的一些比较重要的经典考题进行了解答的思路解析,并对今后的雅思口语考试趋势进行了预测。大家可以在备考自己的雅思口语考试的时候,针对这些特点进行更加有针对性的准备。

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