2017-08-06 228阅读
下面是2013年11月9日雅思阅读机经的内容。包括The Importance of Parks,欧洲高温,Beauty这三个部分。下面我们就一起来看看这次考试的雅思阅读考题会给大家带来哪些启发和借鉴呢?
考试日期: |
2013年11月9日 |
Reading Passage 1 |
Title: |
The �Importance of Parks(2009年5月9日旧题) |
Question �types: |
Matching Headings 5题 Matching 人名与理论配对 4题 True/False/Not Given 5题 |
文章内容回顾 |
本文讲公园作用的演变,列举了好多专家的观点及发表的作品,说明怎么让人喜欢,怎么让人更健谈等。 大 致内容:大家一起出行越来越普遍了,但是公园人数在下降,这是因为公园的器材已经不能迎合人们的需求了,所以我们要重新设计它们。有两个成功的公园,它们 很古老,但是人气都一直不错,这是因为它们提供了各种场所供人们娱乐,人们也喜欢在那样的公园里交谈、活动、放松。公园还需要设计一些流动的家具,比如流 动式桌椅。公园的外观设计很重要,决定了人们是走在外面还是走进公园,所以要有一定规模,感觉也要不错。未来的公园设想会更好。 |
相关英文原文阅读 |
Have you ever gone to a theme �park and wondered, "How did they do that?" At last there's a book �that shows you. Theme Park Design reveals the secrets behind some of the �world's greatest attractions. Take a peek behind the scenes, with a theme �park engineer. Aimed at theme park enthusiasts, the book features behind the �scenes information based upon author Steve Alcorn's 35 years designing �attractions. The story follows the development of an attraction from �"Blue Sky" design to opening day. Along the way it reveals the �engineering tricks used to build many fan favorite rides. "This book �shows you the secrets behind the magic," says Alcorn. Theme Park Design �explores ride control, mechanics, audio, video, lighting, special fects, �animated figures, art direction, and much more, with insider commentary. The author � illuminates the fast-paced world of theme park design through tales of � calamity and triumph, sprinkled with many humorous anecdotes. He also offers �career tips on becoming an Imagineer. A must-read for every theme park �enthusiast! |
题型难度分析 |
本次阅读考试总体难度中等,三篇文章都出现了是非无判断题,这种题型是有序的细节题,需要考生在全篇文章中按照顺序寻找信息。 |
题型技巧分析 |
是非无判断题: 1. 分析问题时,从题目中找出合适的定位词 所谓定位词,顾名思义,就是用来在原文中定位跟题目有关的信息出现的位置的依据。在从题目中找定位词时,找到的信息需要满足两个条件:一是具有独一性,二是最好不发生变化。因此,在解决雅思阅读的细节题时,从题目中找的定位词信息可以分为如下三类: 1)易识别的信息,如大写、数字、特殊字体等 2)名词词性的信息 3)动词或形容词等信息 2. 阅读原文时,用扫读(Scanning)的方法找出定位词或其同义词在文中的出处,回到原文中寻找定位词的时候,考生应使用扫读的方法,逐行扫视原文,寻找题目中的定位词本身或者定位词的同义替换的出现位置。找到定位词出处,意味着找到了与题目有关的信息出现的位置。 � 这里有两点需要提醒的:第一,是非无判断题理论上是具有顺序性的题型,因此考生在回文章中扫描定位词时可以按照题目顺序来依次定位。但是是非无判断题的特殊性在于其中有“无”的情况,所以如果考生过于机械的遵循顺序定位的规律,对于答案是Not Given的题目,有可能会出现需要读完过多内容才能判断出来的情况。所以建议考生在搜索某题的定位词时,可以同时关注后面题目的定位词是否出现。在下一题定位词已经出现而本题定位词或者其同义替换的词仍未找到的情况下,则本题可以判断为Not Given。第二,考生在判断题目中的定位词时,不必只找唯一的一个词。如果题目中出现不止一个词可以用于作为定位词,建议考生可以全部找出来,一起定位。因为这样能够准确定位到题目出现的位置的概率会大大提高。 � 3. 判断答案时,精读原文,理解原文与题目陈述之间的关系 对于很多考生来说,对于原文与题目关系的判断也是一大问题。考生们需要透彻理解True, False和Not Given每一个答案真正代表的含义,以及考试中最常出现的几种情况,才能够准确判断答案。下面,笔者归纳了每一个答案所代表的含义以及考试中会考到的几种情况: 1)是:题目与原文描述含义相符 a)题目是原文的同义转换 b)根据原文叙述可以推断题目成立 2)非:题目与原文描述含义相悖 a)题目与原文直接冲突 b)原文是开放性的说法,题目中只讲到部分可能性并且用到了绝对词 c)原文是有条件成立的,但是题目中去掉了条件,变成在任何情况下都成立 d)题目中对于频率、范围或者可能性的限定词与原文意思不符合 3)无:原文中所提供的信息不足以用来判断题目正误 a)题目中的部分信息原文中未提及 b)题目中有比较级,原文中没有,或者原文的比较对象与题目不一致 c)原文中是较大的不确定范围,题目中讲到的是具体的信息 d)原文是预想、假设或者某种可能性,题目中说是现实发生的事 |
剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 |
剑5 Test 1 Passage 1 剑5 Test 3 Passage 2 |
Reading Passage 2 |
Title: |
欧洲高温(2009年1月10日旧题) |
Question �types: |
True/False/Not Given 6题 Short answer question 2题 Summary Completion 5题 Multiple Choice 1题 |
文章内容回顾 |
2003年6月以来,欧洲许多国家和地区持续炎热干旱;意大利气温比以往同期高出6-10度;瑞士气温创200年来最高;意大利北部、法国南部地区遭受了50年甚至百年以来的最大旱灾。高温和干旱导致河流水位下降、航运受阻,农作物面临减产等,损失严重。虽然各地出现异常高温的具体原因各不相同,但总体上看应该与全球变暖有一定关系。 � 答案分析: 14-19 �T / F / NG / T / NG 14. 今年温度比以往温度高出4度 15. Jones认为静态气温数据还在正常范围 16. 人类对于星球的影响是造成气温升高的原因之一 17. 人们一天要测量两次气温 18. 2003年以前的影响是冬天变冷了,但夏天并不会高温 19. 新滑雪场建立在高海拔的地方 20-21 �1976 and 1995 / 2000 flood 20. 在Britain �500年以来最热的两年? 21. 除了天气炎热,还有什么自然环境因素影响了British plan for the future? 22-26 �1990 / 500 / 1998 / 2002 / France 最热的10年都是在______年后出现的。However, 2003年夏天的气温破了过去______years的记录。第三高温年是______,第二高温年是______. �According to Jones, in the summer of 2003, 八月单月thousands of extra death occurred �in the country of _______ in 36 hot nights. 27 欧洲高温年 27. Which one can be the best �title? |
相关英文原文阅读 |
It is no secret that glaciers �are receding and sea levels are rising every day now. Plants and animals are �struggling to keep pace with our changing climate. To many scientists and �researchers it is becoming clear that human activity is one of the principal �causes of global warming. � Humans are depending on fossil �fuels to power vehicles and other machinery. Greenhouse gases released my �modern man's technology are becoming trapped in Earth's atmosphere causing �our planet to warm and our climate to become more erratic. � Many people are still unclear �as to what global warming is and what the causes of global warming really �are. There are still many skeptics that believe that the warming we are �experiencing is a natural cycle of nature. � Global warming is a mix of �rising temperatures on our planet, and erratic climate change. A rise in �temperature and wacky weather go together. � There are several factors that skeptics �and believers in scientific explanations of global warming both agree on. �They agree that our planet is warming and they agree that the climate is �changing. What is causing the warming, and the fects of greenhouse gases on �our atmosphere is what some people disagree on. � This website will look at the �main causes of global warming, the fects, the solutions, and we also look �at the skepticism surrounding global warming. � Many areas around the world are �already seeing the fects of global warming, whether it be through drought, �flooding, mudslides, or intense hurricanes. The good news is that each person �on Earth can help to slow down global warming through conscious forts every �day. � Humans will need to find other �means of powering their technologies other than fossil fuels. If we work hard �and concentrate our forts we will succeed in coping with global warming and �possibly slow it down considerably. The consensus among scientists is that �even if we do things right from now on and we stop using fossil fuels, we �will still have to deal with the fects of global warming that have already �been caused. � What we can do is that we can �stop burning fossil fuels and we can lessen the impact that of global warming �and we can slow down the or eventually stop the continuing warming of our �planet. � Our menu on the lt contains �pages filled with usul information on the global warming subject. � We thank you for visiting �global-warming.co. If we all do our part, and if we focus on improving the �future of our grandchildren we may paint a brighter future for humans on our �great planet. |
题型难度分析 |
总体篇章难度中等 |
题型技巧分析 |
摘要填空题: 摘要填空题因为题目名称里有“摘要”二 字,因而很容易被误认为是主题类题型。然而摘要填空题的核心考点仍然是考查考生是否能够在文章中找出摘要中缺失的细节信息,所以归根结底还是一个细节类题 型。解决摘要题的方法跟其他的细节题型类似,仍然是首先从题目中空格的上下文里找到合适的关键词信息,根据空格上下文信息判断答案可能性,再用关键词回文 定位,寻找答案。 定位关键词出处的时候考生应该用scan的方法,扫读文章相关段落中关键词或其同义词出现的位置,精读上下文理解意思后,从上下文中选取符合之前对于可能性的判断的信息来作为答案即可。 值得注意的是,有些摘要题不是让考生直接从文中找词来填写,而是会给出选项。在这种情况下,考生需要先在文章中找到符合答案意思的信息,再转换为选项中的内容进行回答。 |
剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 |
剑5 Test1 Passage 1 |
Reading Passage 3 |
Title: |
Beauty(新题/人文类) |
Question �types: |
Yes/No/Not Given 5题 Multiple Choice(单选) 3题 Summary(有备选项) 4题 |
文章内容回顾 |
讲到人们对于美的不同感受以及对于美的不同标准和评价。男人与女人,不同地区,不同环境下,人们对于美的不同认知。 |
相关英文原文阅读 |
From the late 17th to the early �20th century Western aesthetics underwent a slow revolution into what is �often called modernism. German and British thinkers emphasised beauty as the �key component of art and of the aesthetic experience, and saw art as �necessarily aiming at absolute beauty. � For Alexander Gottlieb �Baumgarten aesthetics is the science of the sense experiences, a younger �sister of logic, and beauty is thus the most perfect kind of knowledge that �sense experience can have. For Immanuel Kant the aesthetic experience of �beauty is a judgment of a subjective but similar human truth, since all �people should agree that "this rose is beautiful" if it in fact is. �However, beauty cannot be reduced to any more basic set of features. For �Friedrich Schiller aesthetic appreciation of beauty is the most perfect �reconciliation of the sensual and rational parts of human nature. � For Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph �Schelling, the philosophy of art is the "organon" of philosophy �concerning the relation between man and nature. So aesthetics began now to be �the name for the philosophy of art. Friedrich von Schlegel, August Wilhelm �Schlegel, Friedrich Schleiermacher and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel have �also given lectures on aesthetics as philosophy of art after 1800. � For Hegel all culture is a �matter of "absolute spirit" coming to be manifest to itself, stage �by stage, changing to a perfection that only philosophy can approach. Art is �the first stage in which the absolute spirit is manifest immediately to �sense-perception, and is thus an objective rather than subjective revelation �of beauty. � For Arthur Schopenhauer �aesthetic contemplation of beauty is the most free that the pure intellect can �be from the dictates of will; here we contemplate perfection of form without �any kind of worldly agenda, and thus any intrusion of utility or politics �would ruin the point of the beauty. It is thus for Schopenhauer one way to �fight the suffering. � The British were largely �divided into intuitionist and analytic camps. The intuitionists believed that �aesthetic experience was disclosed by a single mental faculty of some kind. �For Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury this was identical to the �moral sense, beauty just is the sensory version of moral goodness. For Ludwig �Wittgenstein aesthetics consisted in the description of a whole culture which �is a linguistic impossibility. That which constitutes aesthetics lies outside �the realm of the language game. � For Oscar Wilde the �contemplation of beauty for beauty's sake, augmented by John Ruskin's search �for moral grounding, was not only the foundation for much of his literary �career but was quoted as saying "Aestheticism is a search after the �signs of the beautiful. It is the science of the beautiful through which men �seek the correlation of the arts. It is, to speak more exactly, the search �after the secret of life.". |
题型难度分析 |
文章题材中等偏难。美学相关内容对于大多数考生来说都不太熟悉,因此可能本文对于很多人来说会比较难。建议考生在平时可以多接触一些自己不够熟悉的科普题材文章,尽量拓宽自己的知识面,才可以轻松应对各种题材的文章。 |
题型技巧分析 |
单选题的解题技巧: 首先通过从题干中提取的定位词回文中用scan的方法找到题目相关信息的出处。 然后精读并且理解原文定位词出处的上下文信息。 接着理解选项的意思,从选项中选出意思与原文相吻合的内容作为答案。 值得注意的是,选择题的一些干扰选项中比较容易出现文章中的原词,但是这些词不能够作为判断答案信息的依据。选择答案的唯一依据就是表述的意思是否相同,所以对于考生识别同义转换的要求较高。 |
剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 |
剑5 Test 1 Passage 1 剑5 Test 3 Passage 1 |
考试趋势分析和备考指导: � 本次雅思阅读考试一改往日段落细节配对当家的情况,出现了很多是非无判断题。接下来的雅思阅读考试题型还是很有可能将会出现“配对题比重较大”这一特点。由于配对题对考生的词汇和句型理解要求相当高,所以每位考生在上考场之前一定要把自己的英语基本功打牢,达到雅思所要求的词汇量和语法要求。考分要求较高的同学,更应耐心地将自己做错的题目仔细和原文进行比对、分析,时间允许的话应当将文章进行仔细的阅读。 � 判断题正在逐渐被淡化。但是这种题型作为雅思的特色题型,在短时间内是不可能完全消失的。所以考生仍然不可忽视这种题型的复习。 � 应对策略:近期考试的题目类型变化较反复,考生要注意每一种题型的复习,以便在考到任何一种题型时都能够灵活自如的应对。 � |
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