
2017-08-06 作者: 130阅读




Part �1考题总结


Emails and Letters

Do you write many letters or emails?

Which do you more often write, emails or letters?

How often do you write an email or a letter?

What are the differences between emails and letters?

What do you usually write about?

Who do you usually write to?

� Is it hard to think of what to write?

What kind(s) of letter/email do you think is (are) the hardest to �write?

How do you feel when you receive a letter or �email?

What kinds of emails (or letters) do you receive that make you feel �happy?

Are you more �likely to use letter to communicate with others or via email?

Healthy Lifestyle

What do you do to keep healthy?

How can people maintain good health?

What is a healthy lifestyle in your mind?

Is there any sport that you would like to try �in the future?


Do you like sunny days?

What do you usually do in sunny days?

Are there many sunny days in your hometown?


1. Do you like �music, and what type of music do you like?

2. Have you �learned to play any musical instrument?

3. What kind �of music is popular now in China?

4. How does �music affect people’s lives?

5. What kind �of music do young people like, and what kind of music do old people like?

6. Do you want �to be a singer?

7. Has the �music you like changed over the years?

8. Do you think �music help you study?

9. Do your �parents have a different musical taste with you?

10. Who is �your favorite singer or band?

11. Do you �prer live music or recorded music?

12. Have you �even been to a concert bore?

13. Do you �think music should be a required course for middle school students, why or why �not?

TV Programs

Do you like watching TV in spare time?

What kinds of TV programs do you like? Why?

Do you often watch TV with your family? Why?/ �Why not?


How do you and children learn history?

Describe a local history.

Taking Photographs

1. Do you like taking photos?

2. Do you prer to take photos of scenery or �of people?

3. Is taking photos popular in your country?

4. Do you like taking photos when you go traveling?

5. Do Chinese people like to visit photograph �exhibitions? What kind of photos do they like to look at?

6. Why do some people (do not) like taking photographs?

7. What factors make a good photograph?

8. Do you think being a photographer would be �a good job?

9. When did you take family photos last time?

Families /relatives

1. How many members are there in your family? �Do you have a large family or a small one?

What sorts of things do you like to do together?

Which relative do you pay frequent visit to?

Which relative lives nearest to you?

4. Who is your most important relative?


1. Are your friends mostly your age or different �ages?

2. Do you prer to have one particular friend �or a group of friends?

3. Do you often meet new people? Do you often �meet people from other countries?

4. Is it important to keep in contact with friends �you knew as a child?

5. What makes a friend into a good friend?

6. Where do young people make friends?

7. How do children make new friends?

8. What’s your relationships with your friends.

Daily routine

1. What �are you usually doing at this time? Do you do the same thing(s) every day?

2. Tell �me something about your daily routine in school/university.

3. In a �typical day, what do you do in the classroom?

4. Can you �think of any improvements to your daily routine?

5. (If you �do not work) For you, what's the best time of day for studying?

6. (If you �work) For you, what is the best time of day (or, day of the week) for working?

7. What �time do you usually get up?

8. What �do you usually do after you get up (or, in the morning)?

9. What �part of the (= your) day do you like best? (Why?) (= What part of your daily routine �makes you the happiest?� Or = What part �of the day are you most ficient?)

10. Is your �life now the same as it was bore?

11. If you �could make one change to your daily routine, what would it be?

12. If you �had more free time, what would you do?

13. Do you �like to plan what you will do each day? (Why?/Why not?)

14. Do you �usually do the same things at the same time each day?

15. How �do you plan (organize) your study time?

16. Do you �ever (or, do you often) change these plans?

Food & Cooking

Who usually �cooks in your family?

What’s your �favorite hometown dish?

Can you cook? �Why don’t you learn?

Do you think �it is important for children to learn how to cook?

Do you like �to eat out or cook at home?

What are the �benits of eating at home?

Do you like �fresh food or prepared food?


1. Are you a patient person?

2. How will you react when you feel impatient?

3. How do you kill time at the time of waiting �for buses?

4. Do you think Chinese are patient?


1. Are you very interested in art?

2. Did you create any art such as painting or �sculpture when you were a child?

3. Have you ever been to an art gallery or an �art exhibition?

4. How often do you visit art galleries?


1. Where are �you from?

2. Where is �your hometown?

3. Tell me �about your hometown.

4. What’s your �favorite thing or place in your hometown?

5. What is �famous about your hometown?

6. Tell me �about some scenic spots in your hometown.

7. What are �the main places of interest in your hometown? What places should foreigners visit �in

8. Do you like �your hometown? Why or why not?

9. What is �the difference between your hometown and Beijing?

10. What are �the people like in your hometown?

11. If you �could change one thing about your hometown, what would it be?

12. What attractive �pieces of architecture are there in your hometown?

13. Is your �hometown a good place for young people to live?


1. Do you like trees/plants?

2. What kind of trees are famous in your hometown?

3. Do you like climbing trees?

4. What do you think of the trees?

5. Where are there lots of trees and woods in �china?

6. Do you like living in places with lots of �trees?


1. What’s your �name?

2. Does your �name have any special meaning or significance?

3. Have you �ever changed your name, why or why not?

4. Do Chinese �people like changing their names, why or why not?

5. What kind �of people like changing their names?

6. What’s their �purpose in changing their names?

7. In your �culture, do women change their names when they get married?

Mobile Phones

1. Do you use a cell phone?

2. What do you use it for?

3. How often do you use it?

4. Do you like to send short message?

5. When did you get your first mobile phone?

6. How did you feel when you got your first �mobile phone?

7. What feature or function of your cell phone �do you like the best?

8. Is there anything you dislike about using �cell phones?

House and Apartment

1. Do you live �in a house or an apartment?

2. How do you �like it? And why?

3. What part �of your home do you like best?

4. Can you �describe your room?

5. Do you want �to change your room?

6. What would �it be if you could change something about your room?

7. Where do �you live now? And how long have you been there?

8. Who do you �live with?


What are the �advantages and disadvantages of adverting?

Do people usually �buy goods after watching advertisements?

Are there any �differences between the advertisements in magazines and those on TV?

Describe a �TV program you dislike.


1. Are you �working or studying?

2. Tell me �about the school or university you attend.

3. Tell me �something about your primary school.

4. What is �your major?

5. Do you like �your major and why?

6. What courses �or subjects do you study?

7. What is �your favorite subject?

8. What is �the most usul subject?

9. What would �you like to do in the future?

10. What are �the characteristics of schools in China?

11. What kinds �of majors are available in China?

12. What do �Chinese people think about teachers?

13. Is teaching �a popular job in China, why or why not?


1. Do you often �read newspapers?

2. Which do �you prer reading, magazines or newspapers?

3. What kinds �of newspapers or magazines do you usually read?

4. How old �were you when you first started to read newspapers?

5. Do you think �it’s important to read newspapers, why or why not?

6. Why do you �think people read newspapers?

7. What different �types of newspaper are there in China?

8. Do you care �about the news?

9. Is the news �important to you?

10. What kinds �of news do Chinese people read in newspapers?

11. Do you �prer to read about local, domestic or international news, and why?

12. What are �some methods that newspapers use to attract readers?

13. What influence �do you think newspapers have on society?

14. Do you �think the internet is a good way to get news?�



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