
2017-08-06 作者: 219阅读


  Part 1

  1. News,Do young people and old people focus on the same kind of news?

  2. Your work or your studies (持续高频), Why did you choose to do that kind of work or subject or major? / What subject are you studying? / Why did you choose that (particular) school/university?

  3. Family / Friends (本周热门考题),Why do people need to sustain a constant relationships with their relatives and friends?

  4. History (本周热门考题),Do you think you can learn history from films and or TV programs?

  5. Cycling(本周热门考题),What do you think is the advantage of biking compared with other forms of transport?

  6. Dictionary (本周热门考题),Do you think that using dictionary can benit you a lot?

  7. Name(本周热门考题),Does your name have any particular meaning?

  Part 2

  8. A sports event you have never been but would like to take part in

  9. Is sport very popular in your country? In your country, what are the most popular sports that people like to play?

  10. A trip by public transport

  11. What influence does private car has to the environment? What should the government do to solve the transportation problem?

  12. A person you enjoy spending time with/talking to

  13. What should we do to keep a good relationship with your colleague/boss? How should young people behave themselves?

  14. A subject that you didn’t enjoy in high school or secondary school

  15. Which subject should be / should not be taught in school? What factors do people consider when they

  16. Something (except cell phone or computer) you cannot live without(注意“非手机/电脑”)

  17. How do you think the modern technology has changed the way people work? Why is it difficult for people to give up their own things?

  18. A statue or work or art you have seen.(a painting or sculpture)

  19. What form of visual art are popular in your country? Do you think people should be able to see the are exhibitions for free?

  20. Future plan/ an ideal job

  21. What jobs are popular with young people in your country? Do you think there is any difference between males and females when it comes to choosing a future career?

  22. An interesting foreign country you would like to visit.

  23. How do you think about studying abroad? Why do many people live (travel) in foreign countries?



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