MBA(Tulane Univ)上海5签成功

2017-03-28 作者: 35阅读

just want to share with everyone of you and to answer some of the friends who are interested. [b][b]和去年是同一个学校,同样的学费减免金额,女,毕业4年。去年先后遭遇黑白双刹,去年的glassboy,老头子。统统悲剧。本来去年有过可能签过的机会的,是最后一次那个老头子,但是偶没有隐瞒暂时的失业(internet bubble),最终失望而归。 [b][b]今年继续。没有报希望。但是因为未来的LG已经拿到签证。不想两地分居,也不想千F2,因为偶的目的很明确,就是念书。而且美国的MBA教育比中国强。 [b][b]本来可以在过去的一个月就签,但是因为出差,5。1,一直拖到现在。签证前,偶没有抱任何希望,但是就是不想再象去年那样受辱。偶基本上没有准备,因为对未来的两手规划都已经在脑子里了。 [b][b]总体感觉是今年比去年人道一些。至少在上海。 [b][b]一共有四个签证官,金发年轻女子,一个非常年轻的男孩子(就是和偶argue的哪个),和善的老头,挺英俊的glassboy。 [b][b]偶在熟悉的美领馆等了约半个多小时,11点,偶的号叫到,是1号窗,那个little boy。 [b][b]me:good morning,sir (I saw the four slips of my deniel paper (last year) of of-156 in his hand, very surprised) [b]of:(not respond) [b]me:well, I was rused the visa four times last year, but my conditions have changed a lot. [b]of:pls hold on, let me take a look first(not happy) [b]me:OK, no problem [b]of:so you are going to Tulane Univ? [b]me:yes, you know I will go to Tulane for my MBA, and I will concentrate in Finance because Tulane is very strong in that area... of(stop me):I do not know what is with south area... [b]me(stop him):well, that's a pity. You know it is esp. strong in energy finance, while... [b]of(stop me):hold on, let me ask your questions, and you answer. [b]me(smiling):no problem [b]of:where are you working now: [b]me:XXX company, and my salary is XXX, you know I was laid off for a month and half last year due to the internet bubble breaking, but now my job is quite stable and interesting. [b]... [b]接下去,这个little boy继续就偶的资金,工资,毕业年限,偶其他的资金来源,偶第二年的support resource from my parents' sponsorship分别质疑,偶一一反驳。其中有两次因为偶抢词(偶觉得他的计算有问题)little boy扔下水杯走到一边去。回来说:OK, [b]we are not in a debate, let me ask you Q, and you answer, OK?偶始终微笑看他, [b]偶的英文口语没有一点问题,但是还是有点象和他argue的意思:OK, I will follow your advice, but ANYWAY, you are making mistakes in calculating my financial sources. [b]他对偶很不高兴,但是似乎在资金上已经被偶说服了。 [b]接着,就是career的问题。 [b]of:so, what is your graduation plan? [b]me:well, ideally, I would like to establish my know Ms. XXX?she came back from Univ. of Minnisoda with management degree and established the most successful company in this area. I want to be a lady like her. [b]of:why this area? [b]me:it is a booming though very niche section in China. you know my [b]undergraduate major is finance, while my college, Renmin Univ., Beijing has the best academic training in finance. Moreoever, my past 4 yrs working experience are all related to this area. I also set up my network... [b]of(very impatient):blah, blah, blah (I am very surprised with his words and I guess he would deny me) of(push out all the materials):go to window [b]C to take your visa. [b][b]偶大喜,立刻去window C,大约5分钟后,取出偶的visa。 [b][b]说老实话,偶觉得就是据理力争,偶说的就是偶想的,而且也是完全的事实。但是,偶还是非常感激那个little boy的敬业,要是放在去年的黑白双杀,偶这样argue早就被句了。期间,little boy曾问偶有没有存款本,偶有很多deposit slip,但担心丢,就没有带,偶也照实答了。如果其他签友有的话,还是带着为好。因为一旦是因为材料不够重签,被拘牵的可能性很大。 [b][b]另外一点无关签证的话就是,要对自己的澳际有信心,无论是报着在中国还是在美国发展的态度,不然,签过了也不算任何big deal;作为一个女生,偶觉得有个很好的LG还是很重要的。偶LG去年拿到了签证也没有走,如果没有他在身边一直鼓励,一直打气,偶觉得偶根本今年不会去签证。 [b][b]以偶在另一个热爱的论坛的帖子结尾: [b][b]这一年对偶来说是漫长了一些,失业,拒签,拒签,又失业。可是偶终究没有疯,偶有了新工作,而且做的非常好。而且只有比一年前的偶成熟了。最重要的是,偶有了值得偶一生信赖的LG。偶觉得,这真的比去美国念书更重要。立即咨询


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