
2017-08-06 作者: 482阅读


  Your Study Plan

  It&aposs your first time taking the test, and there&aposs a month or less to go

  You may not have a lot of time to get ready for the SAT, but you can dinitely get familiar with the SAT format and try answering some practice questions.

  1、Practice a little each day每天都备考SAT考试

  Sign up for The Official SAT Question of the Day emails. You’ll get practice questions delivered to your inbox every day.

  2、Personalize your practice根据自己的实际情况进行有针对性的备考

  If you’ve taken the PSAT/NMSQT, sign in to My College Quickstart. There you can review your previous performance and follow a personalized study plan based on your strengths and areas for improvements.

  3、Get the big picture了解SAT考试的各个科目

  Review test-taking tips for reading, math and writing.

  4、Get familiar with the questions了解每一种题型

  Try answering some practice questions.

  5、Know what to expect掌握SAT考试时间以便安排复习

  Check out our new Test Day Simulator to get an idea of what to expect on test day.

  6、Try a full test进行SAT考试模拟测试

  If you still have at least one weekend between now and test day, download and take an official practice test. Make sure you time yourself to get a better feel of what the actual testing experience will be like. Schedule in section stops and breaks just like on test day.



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