
2017-08-06 作者: 261阅读





  纵坐标→Background of Assignment:

  横坐标→Methods of Developing




  Assignment: Do closed doors make us creative?

  First of all, it is necessary for us to discuss the background of this issue. Why do test makers create this assignment? Does this assignment widely discussed among American people? The answer is dinitely YES. Actually, creation is a mystery to most people, as they probably do not understand why others around them are so creative. They eventually put those “creative people” into a box which is locked and isolated from the living world as they are. Therore, quite a lot of people believe that genius who makes so many creations must live in closed doors and they never ever come to connect the outer world. Thus, “closed doors make us creative” comes to be an existence. .


  Statement: YES

  Closed doors provide people an individual space to think about their unique ideas, no disturbance, no interruption, and people could freely run with their thoughts and minds→makes people creative

  E.X.: Albert Einstein→the Theory of Relativity was accomplished within Einstein’s closed door for a couple of weeks.

  Closed doors offer people a period of time for which they could use for thinking about them→to analyze their own strange ideas, and to make them come true→creation comes out→make people creative

  E.X.: Philosophers like Hegel, needed a period of private time for him to think about all his minds and thoughts, and as a consequence, his theory of philosophy became one of the fundamental for his followers to create more branches of philosophy → closed door offers them an relative isolated period of time → makes people creative

  Assignment: Do people learn who they are only when they are forced into action?

  First of all, we need to analyze the background of this issue. I still remember that, twenty years ago, students like me would have to give out a class presentation at the class. Though this part of performance would not take up the property of the final evaluation on students, we needed to do it still. Most students would be shy and dare to give out their presentations. However, after the teachers forced them to do so, they suddenly found that they actually owned this ability, but they did not even know bore. Therore, people need to be forced in action so that they could know who they are, what potentials they have.


  Statement: YES

  People would not know what they own actually unless they are forced to do something → helps them to know themselves

  E.X.: Personal experience

  →Pressure motivates people to discover their potential → people’s performance will be different if they are under the pressure.

  E.X.: the main actor of 2012 would never believe that he could dive for a long time so that he was capable to solve that problem. However, as long as the emergency happened, he was forced to save the life of his family. He finally found that he could make it.













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