发信人: arcane (考拉熊Zzzz~~~~), 信区: Abroad [b]标 题: 转载关于ps的讨论 [b]发信站: 华南网木棉站 (Tue Oct 30 00:38:18 2001), 转信 [b][b]这也是我对推荐信的看法 [b]重要的是学术能力 [b]不过,申请这东西,很说不准 [b]说不定你的ps推荐信就对了commitee的胃口,谁知道那? [b][b]发信人: kurtzjs (垃圾~睡不着), 信区: Abroad WWW-POST [b]标 题: Re: ps recletter请教 [b]发信站: 武汉白云黄鹤站 (Sun Oct 28 14:08:23 2001) , 转信 [b][b]你的ps很牛,对于申请top10的学校(尤其是fellowship) [b]很有用,因为你的ps要经过严密的committe的审阅 [b]竞争者是一大堆高人,必须出类拔萃 [b]但是对应现在的局势和对自己水平的估计 [b](我要争取的是20名以后的ra) [b]我不敢选择一种全面能力展示的写法 [b]关于ps的写作,pman给我会的一封信很有启发 [b]我贴在下面,大家看看有否帮助: [b]Hello! kurt, [b][b]Sorry for reply late. Because I have to hand in paper in time. [b]You background and PS is really good. In my opinion, you are [b]overqualified to get offers from universities whose EE rank below 80. [b]About [b]choosing [b]institutions, you should count the number of active professors in your [b]field at universities list. Because most of universities only recruit 2~5 [b]students in power (I am not clear other fields). Typically, it is very [b]likely [b]for a professor to recruit one to two PhD students a year.Therore, luck [b]is very important. That is why many applicants apply for over 10 [b]universities [b]at once. [b][b]Something you may notice when you apply is: [b][b]In my view, the reason why US professors want to give your RA is that [b]he need a person with academic qualification in his specific field to [b]work on his research project. You can imagined you were the professor. [b]Prof [b]got a research funding for his proposal. Then, he decided to choose a [b]graduate student to assist him, most of them from China. He/she will [b]review [b]hundreds of PS. and make decision within perhaps one week. So he will [b]only [b]read [b]the part of a PS , in which he is interested in. For rest of the [b]statement, [b]he will just skip it. You can understand how stupid a student is if he [b]wrote a big paragraph in his genius childhood. [b][b]Therore, my suggestion as follows, [b]1) Using easy-understanding sentences. because it can help professor [b]grasp your meaning. [b]2) At the beginning of the statement, state your academic objective [b]and field. I think the field should not be too narrow in order to [b]improving your chance. [b]3) Describing your research , esp. in your graduate paper. If you have [b]done other research work, write down on your PS. [b]4)Other things related to academic studying. [b][b]That's my personal suggestion. You can modify your ps if you agree [b]with some of my points. But I think your PS is just the kind I like. :) [b][b]Because I am not good at English idiom and grammar, you'd better to [b]ask English teacher or native speaker to review your PS and point out [b]grammar mistakes after you finish it. [b][b][b]Any thing I can do for you, just tell me. [b][b]Good Luck! [b][b]Huaiwei Liao [b][b]【 在 GoAbroad (澳际) 的大作中提到: 】 [b]: 呵呵,讨论问题而已,不必sorry. [b]: 我也想写的少,可是实在少不了,一环扣一环, [b]: 从兴趣的缘起到知识的丰富, [b]: 从书本的知识到实际经验的获得(特别是一些同专业相关的project), [b]: 从课堂里走到课堂外, [b]: 从活动的参加者到活动的组织者, [b]: 从被管理者到管理者, [b]: 虽然不能面面具到,可是也表现了一个丰富多彩的人的生活和奋斗, [b]: 我想如果能在千字内搞定(当然我也希望越少越好了)就很幸运了。 [b]: 呵呵,也许是我的英文功底不行,只能送给美国的亲友帮着改了, [b]: 看能删除多少。 [b]: [b]: 【 在 kurtzjs (垃圾~睡不着) 的大作中提到: 】 [b]: : sorry,500字我说的是rl [b]: : ps当然还是要写多一点点,但是也不能太多了 [b]: : 我的写了850,国外的师兄们说最好还要减少,当然不减也无所谓 [b]: : 我现在越来越觉得对于研究生,如果没有深厚的英文思维和写作能力 [b]: : 把ps写成resume的详细版是最简单最实用的 [b]: : 【 在 GoAbroad (澳际) 的大作中提到: 】 [b]: : : FT,500也太不可能了吧,随便一篇T作文就300多字,你要介绍你的专业背景 [b], [b]: : : 要介绍你完成的project,介绍你选择当前这个专业的原因,还要介绍走入 [b]: : : 研究生阶段后的情况,怎么可能在500字搞定呢?能打在1000字以内已经 [b]: : : 不错了。 [b]: : .................(以下省略) [b]
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