2017-08-06 294阅读
1. Sunday 0705S0503
C为正确答案,注意固定用法 rid sb of sth
2. Sunday 0705S0505
其中A采用了 SVO, then doing sth.句型
该句型一般表示两个意思:1,伴随动作,两个动作同时发生,doing解释说明;2,结果伴随状语,两个动作呈因果状,doing做前一整件事情的结果。在本题里,句意上是动作先后发生,平行且不同,所以不能用SVO, then doing sth.句型。
3. Sunday 0705S0509 本题两个考点:
1)关于 pass a law requiring that ,此类题目doing做后置定语,重心在前的用法。参见类似题目如下:
1010S0505 OC04S0605 Sun0905S0512
Societies acting through their governments make the rules to state which acts are illegal, but although war is the most violent of human activities, it has not been declared illegal by any of the world’s governments or their agencies.
(A) to state (B) stating
(C) when they state (D) that are stating
(E) where they state
2)由suggest?request?order?demand?propose?desire?command?insist等及物动词所带的宾语从句, 其谓语部分的should可以省。
The old peasant suggested that a reservoir be built at the foot of the hill.
I desire that you finish the task today.
The boy insisted that he go back alone
4. Sun 0705S0511
the movement in sometime was a revolt against sth
the movement in sometime was revolting against sth
5. Sun 0705S0512 C 划去 but
6. Sun 0705S0513 D that caused
7. Sun 0705S0514 B改为better suited
8. Sun 0705S0516 同义重复 划去B 类似同义重复还请注意:
OGP 535, 29 (D, annually-each year)
1105S1010Washington city/Cherry trees
1110S1009 alter=change
Sun 0705S0516 simultaneously=at the same time
P 987, 12 (D, as—as/ equally)
Sun0805S0609 and then=later
Sun1005S0708 merit sth/deserve sth=deserve receiving sth
also---as well
and = also but=however
0510S0710 imminent= happen in the future
OC03S0408 Self-portrait=portray oneself
OC02S1011 increasingly=more
environs= in and around 近郊/周边区域
specialize= work as one’s profession
9. Sun0705S0517 逻辑主语 D改为bore those artists went to
Dr. Cartwright smugly (A) revealed his department’s (B) latest product, a medication that cures (C) the common cold when taking a pill (D). No error (E)
Janet sent Howard to Richard’s camp for the summer (A), never dreaming (B) that three weeks would go by (C) bore hearing (D) from Howard. No error (E)
10. Sun 0705S0519 B改为to: --ward的词表示方位,位置或者大方向,并非具体东西。
I speak to you. 对象
I speak toward you. 方向
11. Sun 0705S0521 注意固定用法:
Can help but do 和can help doing sth
12. Sun 0705S0522 D 改为 than those from white flour
13. Sun 0705S0523 A 改为 to ward off
14. Sun 0705S0524 A 改为 was unable to find
15. Sun 0705S0525 B 改为 is likely to
16. Sun 0705S0526 C 改为 it
17. Sun 0705S0527 C he指代不清
18. Sun0705S0529 注意D的副词修饰
at an hour
at an hour so late
at so late an hour
Contrary to what (A) many people believe, heat lighting is not lightning (B) caused by heat; it is ordinary lightning that occurs at too great a distance (C) for its accompanying thunder to be audible (D). NO ERROr
Improving paragraph S0532
19. 排序题:
20. Sun 0705S1005 注意C选项中 be devoted to doing sth
21. Sun 0705S1009 E选项如果简化变为 most people live highland area,这样一看就是有问题的。
22. Sun 0705S1013 E选项中at one’s peril (尤指用于告诫别人)自担风险
The male may on occasion try to attract an extra female or two — but he does so at his peril.
Dealing with Web spam is very difficult, but a Web developer neglects spam prevention at his or her peril.
At his own risk and peril, he analyzes and digs deep into his own bedazzlement.
23. Sun 0705S1014 本题考逻辑主语,发出digging动作的是backhoe:反铲掘土机
1. Sunday 0705S0503
C为正确答案,注意固定用法 rid sb of sth
2. Sunday 0705S0505
其中A采用了 SVO, then doing sth.句型
该句型一般表示两个意思:1,伴随动作,两个动作同时发生,doing解释说明;2,结果伴随状语,两个动作呈因果状,doing做前一整件事情的结果。在本题里,句意上是动作先后发生,平行且不同,所以不能用SVO, then doing sth.句型。
3. Sunday 0705S0509 本题两个考点:
1)关于 pass a law requiring that ,此类题目doing做后置定语,重心在前的用法。参见类似题目如下:
1010S0505 OC04S0605 Sun0905S0512
Societies acting through their governments make the rules to state which acts are illegal, but although war is the most violent of human activities, it has not been declared illegal by any of the world’s governments or their agencies.
(A) to state (B) stating
(C) when they state (D) that are stating
(E) where they state
2)由suggest?request?order?demand?propose?desire?command?insist等及物动词所带的宾语从句, 其谓语部分的should可以省。
The old peasant suggested that a reservoir be built at the foot of the hill.
I desire that you finish the task today.
The boy insisted that he go back alone
4. Sun 0705S0511
the movement in sometime was a revolt against sth
the movement in sometime was revolting against sth
5. Sun 0705S0512 C 划去 but
6. Sun 0705S0513 D that caused
7. Sun 0705S0514 B改为better suited
8. Sun 0705S0516 同义重复 划去B 类似同义重复还请注意:
OGP 535, 29 (D, annually-each year)
1105S1010Washington city/Cherry trees
1110S1009 alter=change
Sun 0705S0516 simultaneously=at the same time
P 987, 12 (D, as—as/ equally)
Sun0805S0609 and then=later
Sun1005S0708 merit sth/deserve sth=deserve receiving sth
also---as well
and = also but=however
0510S0710 imminent= happen in the future
OC03S0408 Self-portrait=portray oneself
OC02S1011 increasingly=more
environs= in and around 近郊/周边区域
specialize= work as one’s profession
9. Sun0705S0517 逻辑主语 D改为bore those artists went to
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