
2017-08-06 作者: 190阅读





  To ordinary citizens the difference between nationalism and patriotism may seem small, but in the study of history and politics, the distance is great. The concept of a country itself is to subject to many different dinitions and interpretations. In an age of globalization, the concept of national boundaries may apply more to legal sovereignty identity. The study of history and politics show that despite the ordinary conception that nationalism is similar to patriotism, in the modern age of globalization the concept for only caring for ones within one’s national boundaries is outdated, and it is most benicial if we care about citizens of the global community as much as we do about people in our own country.

  When studying history, one realizes that there are many distances where a leader of powerful countries adopted isolationist politics in order to maintain one’s own national interest, but in the process of doing so, neglected the global responsibilities and resulted in serious and previously avoidable consequences.   During the late 1920s and early 1930s where Adolf Hitter rose to prominence in Germany and quickly abolished democracy and inspired the people to adopt fascism with full of enthusiasm, the rest of Europe simply watched their choice of compromise is known to today as the notorious period of appeasement, when France allowed Nazi Germany to expand into Czechoslovakia. They chose to avoid conflict because of the looses and memories of World War one, but they underestimated Hitler’s potential and ambitious when Neville Chamberlain retreated after giving up the freedom of the citizens of Czechoslovakia, he thought he saved the British people by securing “peace for our time”. After that he know that a few years later all of Europe would be at war, and British will suffer heavily. Historians argue that World War two could have been avoided if leaders could give up more comforts earlier on.

  One of the most influenced political scientists in history, Niccolo Machiavelli, argued in his pamphlet The Prince that in order for a leader to be successful, he must be keenly aware of the conditions of the states around him, because in order for one state to survive, the ones around it cannot be suffering from war, plague and torment because soon those catastrophes can cross boundaries as people travel. He used the example of the French invasion of the late 1490s to illustrate his point. At that point in history Italy was divided into several city states. When Naples was stuck with the plague, Florence was conceived itself if the alliance allowed French entry to protect itself interest. Although in the end the French armies retracted, they laid waste to vast regions of Italians land and reversed me achievements of the event that all could be avoided if the people of Italy have cared enough to get together.

  In conclusion, from the study of history and politics one can conclude that it is in one’s best interest to care about other nations as much as one self’s.



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