2017-08-06 76阅读
1. The United States and the Early Cold War
1). Origins of the Cold War
2). Truman and containment
3). The Cold War in Asia: China, Korea, Vietnam, Japan
4). Diplomatic strategies and policies of the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations
5). The Red Scare and McCarthyism
6). Impact of the Cold War on American society
2. The 1950s
1). Emergence of the modern civil rights movement
2). The affluent society and "the other America"
3). Consensus and conformity: suburbia and middle-class America
4). Social critics, nonconformists, and cultural rebels
5). Impact of changes in science, technology, and medicine
3. The Turbulent 1960s
1). From the New Frontier to the Great Society
2). Expanding movements for civil rights
3). Cold War confrontations: Asia, Latin America, and Europe
4). Beginning of Détente
5). The antiwar movement and the counterculture
4. Politics and Economics at the End of the Twentieth Century
1). The election of 1968 and the "Silent Majority"
2). Nixon&aposs challenges: Vietnam, China, Watergate
3). Changes in the American economy: the energy crisis, deindustrialization, and the service economy
4). The New Right and the Reagan revolution
5). End of the Cold War
5. Society and Culture at the End of the Twentieth Century
1). Demographic changes: surge of immigration after 1965, Sunbelt migration, and the graying of America
2). Revolutions in biotechnology, mass communication, and computers
3). Politics in a multicultural society
6. The United States in the Post-Cold War World
1). Globalization and the American economy
2). Unilateralism vs. multilateralism in foreign policy
3). Domestic and foreign terrorism
4). Environmental issues in a global context
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