2017-08-06 422阅读
2.所考察范围: 包括Arithmetic(算术),Algebra(代数),Geometry(几何)三部分
Integer 整数,fraction 分数,decimal 小数,real number 实数, rational number有理数
Positive 整数,negative 负数,even 偶数,odd 奇数,positive integer 自然数
Add, plus 加法,sum 和;subtract,minus 减法,difference差;
Multiply,times,by乘法,product积;divide 除法,quotient 商
Power 乘方,cube 立方,square 平方
Ratios 比;Reciprocal, inverse 倒数; Remainder 余数; Average, mean 平均数
Divisibility 整除; Denominator 分母;numerator分子
Consecutive 连续:1,2,3,4.... 按顺序排列的数字
Digit:从0-9的数字,379 is a three-digit number
Units digit 个位
Tens digit 十位—区别(tenths digit十分位)
Hundreds digit 百位----(区别hundredths digit 百分位)
Distinct 不同的:the distinct factors of 4 are 1, 2, 4. 而不是1, 2, 2, 4.
Factor 因数:2 is a factor of 8.
Prime 质数:没有因数的自然数
Prime factor 质因数
Divisibility 整除
Percent increase of decrease=
Median: 中位数
Mode 众数:在一个数列中出现的最多的一个数
Set 集合
Sequence 数列
Intersection:交集; union:并集
Probability and Combinations 概率与组合
Standard Deviation 标准偏差 mean:(样本的)平均值
(1)The units digit of 23333 is how much less than the hundredths digit of
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5
(2)what is the units digit of 1597365?
(1)Bob has a pile of poker chips that he wants to arrange in even stacks. If he stacks them in piles of 10, he has 4 chips lt over. If he stacks them in piles of 8, he has 2 chips lt over. If Bob finally decides to stack the chips in only 2 stacks, how many chips could be in each stack?
A. 14 B. 17 C. 18 D. 24 E. 34
(2)If x and y are two different integers and the product 35xy is the square of an integer, which of the following could be equal to xy?
A. 5 B.70 C. 105 D. 140 E. 350
(3) If x2=y3 and (x-y)2=2x, then y could equal
(A) 64 (B) 16 (C) 8 (D) 4 (E) 2
(4) For positive integers p, t, x and y, if px=ty and x-y=3, which of the following CANNOT equal t?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D. 9 E. 25
(5)If 3t-3>6s+9 and t-5s<12, and s is a positive integer less than 4, then t could be any of the following EXCEPT
A. 6 B. 8 C. 10 D.12 E. 23
(6)If n and p are integers greater than 1 and if p is a factor of both n+3 and n+10, what is the value of p?
A. 3 B. 7 C. 10 D. 13 E. 30
(1) If x is a positive integer greater than 1, and x3-4x is odd, then x must be
(A) even (B) odd (C) prime (D) a factor of 8 (E) divisible by 8
(2)If the graph above is that of f(x), which of the following could be f(x)
A. f(x)=
B. f(x)=
C. f(x)=|x)+3
D. f(x)=|x+3|
E. f(x)=|3x|
(3) xy=x+y. If y>2, what are all possible values of x that satisfy the equation above?
A. x<0, B. 02
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